Gender and age differences in the core triad of impairments in autism spectrum disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Autism Dev Disord. 2013; 44 :1–9.van Wijngaarden-Cremers PJ, van Eeten E, Groen WB, Van Deurzen PA, Oosterling IJ, Van der Gaag RJ. Gender and age ...
Despite the complex genetic architecture, a broad spectrum of psychiatric disorders can still be caused by mutation(s) in the same gene. These disorders are interrelated with overlapping causative mechanisms including variations in the interaction among the risk-associated proteins that may give rise to...
Wijngaarden-Cremers PM, Eeten E, Groen W, Deurzen P, Oosterling I, Gaag R: Gender and age differences in the core triad of impairments in autism spectrum disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Autism Dev Disord 2013, 44:1-9....