Annual tree rings are widely recognized as valuable tools for quantifying and reconstructing historical forest disturbances. However, the influence of climate can complicate the detection of disturbance signals, leading to limited accuracy in existing methods. In this study, we propose a random under-sa...
Moreover, the plot of the difference between firing frequencies before and after dendrotomy versus the normalised input resistance (Fig. 5f) was qualitatively similar to the experimental observations, indicating that only a considerable removal of dendritic membrane has a significant impact on the f...
a number of filtering steps were performed to reduce false positives, including removal of (1) indels with a quality scores <30, (2) SNPs with more than two alleles
This study presents a summer temperature reconstruction using Scots pine tree-ring chronologies for Scotland allowing the placement of current regional tem
Species mean growth rate was the best predictor of tree death, accounting for the highest individualχ2in all regions and being the single risk factor whose removal from the full model resulted in the highest ∆AIC (1734) (Tables1and2). In all regions, fast-growing species were at higher...
While A. mearnsii is considered invasive in South Africa, its substantial above-ground biomass (AGB) and the high costs of removal have led to a recommendation for a ’novel ecosystems’ approach as a practical management strategy [3]. The study further revealed that reducing the canopy of A...
According to [2], plant biomass (above and below ground) is the main conduit for CO2 removal from the atmosphere, storing more than 80% of the total aboveground carbon [3,4]. In recent decades, there has been an increasing demand for accurate and timely vegetation biomass estimation due ...
The choice of method typically depends on the application. In this step, Min-Max scaling was applied on the dataset using Equation (1). 𝑋scaled=𝑋−𝑋min𝑋max−𝑋minXscaled=X−XminXmax−Xmin (1) This scaling technique mapped the original values to a range between 0 and...
Nitrogen Fixation in Acacias: An Untapped Resource for Sustainable Plantations, Farm Forestry and Land Reclamation; ACIAR Monograph Series 115; Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR): Canberra, Australia, 2005; pp. 1–132. 198. Eldridge, K.; Davidson, J.; Hardwood, C.;...