Treatment fordry mouthdepends on what is causing the problem. Generally, treatment focuses on three areas: Managing the medical conditions or drugs causing dry mouth Preventingtoothdecay Increasing the flow ofsaliva, if possible We'll examine these areas in more detail below. ...
Treatment fordry mouthdepends on what is causing the problem. Generally, treatment focuses on three areas: Managing the medical conditions or drugs causing dry mouth Preventingtoothdecay Increasing the flow ofsaliva, if possible We'll examine these areas in more detail below. ...
The most common tongue problem found amongst infants and young children is oral thrush characterized by white patches on the tongue. It often occurs after a course of antibiotics is taken by the infant or breastfeeding mother. "Good bacteria" is killed off allowing for an overgrowth of yeast....
Also known as thrush,candidiasisis an overgrowth of the Candida fungus, which grows naturally in your mouth. It develops whenever the bacteria protecting your oral tissues are compromised, either through the use of antibiotics, medication-induced dry mouth or ill-fitting dental appliances. Symptoms o...
To use aloe vera for angular cheilitis treatment, you need to make the steps as below: You keep a leaf into the refrigerator You take it out when you need it Keeping in the refrigerator can make aloe vera gel cooler & more soothing when applied on your chapped lips & sore mouth. ...
Yeast infections of the mouth (thrush) The side effects you get from a systemic steroid will depend on how strong a dose you’re on and how long you take it. But many different side effects are possible and common, including: Acne ...