汉化方法:直接将“汉化补丁”内的全部文件复制到“Translator++”的安装目录内并替换。 开始 选项 关于 翻译 【结语】因为官方在4.5.6版本增加了官方中文。 所以,这可能是最后一版了,最多也就是修修BUG,精翻一下。 (除非官中不全且很烂,又或本人时间充裕) 而且本人也很久没用过这个软件了,有些问题可能解答不...
Translator++ 是一款用于游戏的 CAT(计算机辅助工具)或 MAT(机器辅助翻译)软件。它帮助翻译者从几个主要的游戏引擎翻译游戏,如RPG Makers、Wolf RPG Editor、RenPy、KiriKiri 等等。 因不想学英语,又想用最新版,所以斥巨资(1小时)汉化了本软件。 软件官网下载:https://dreamsavior.net/download/ 适用版本:Ver.3.9...
Which RPG Maker versions are supported? The tool supports RPG Maker XP, VX, and VX Ace. There is currently no extract or translation aid tool for MV. How does it work There are three main dependencies for this tool that are included and one that is not. ...
Efficient translator for RPG Maker VX Ace games, fully written in Ruby, that can decompile/compile all text-related .rvdata2 files to a readable text files and vice-versa. If you love the project, any support from you will help to keep the project alive, you can support me on Paypal fr...
RPGMaker-MV Translator ️ Hello everyone! I developed a simple to use tool to translate the data of our RPGM games from any language to any other language...
(一键机翻)Translator++一键翻译日文Rpg Maker游戏发布人 - 打开封面 下载高清视频 观看高清视频 视频下载器 RenpyThief 6.0 游戏一键内嵌汉化工具 支持Unity、RPGMaker、Renpy等引擎的一键翻译 【游戏汉化教程】汉化工具translator++的简单介绍(二) Galgame从实时翻译到游戏管理,使用LunaTranslator一站式解决 本地AI...
【Zotero7插件】Jasminum茉莉花 【Zotero茉莉花插件】全网最详细的教程,手把手带你用Zotero下载硕博论文 麻麻!zotero导入的文献没有pdf肿么办啊~~~ 从0-1驯服Zotero 7|Part 4 解决抓取不到英文文献的问题&插件安装(addons+sci pdf) |Step by Step 我的科研日记 ...
· 一款支持RPG Maker、Renpy和Krkr等引擎进行快速机翻/后期润色/导出导入翻译文件的工具 · 据描述还...
freeware rpg maker rpg maker mv rpg maker vx rpg maker vx ace rpg maker xp tool translation tool translator++ Replies: 118 Forum: Useful Development Tools Latest Threads How big can sprites really be? Started by Juzkhain 10 minutes ago Replies: 0 RPG Maker MV Support RMMV Yanfly ATB...