privatefunctionmerge(\Gettext_Translations $current,Translatable$parent, $locale){ $parent_loader = $parent->loadExisting($locale); $comment ="Copied from {$parent->id}/{$locale}";foreach($current->entriesas$entry_id => &$entry) {if(isset($parent_loader->entries[$entry_id]) && (empty(...
PublishedAt::make()->onlyOnForms(), ExpiredAt::make()->onlyOnForms(), ]; } protected function fieldsForIndex(): array @@ -99,15 +111,14 @@ protected function fieldsForIndex(): array OpenPreview::make(trans('laravel-nova-news::crud-post.preview_link')), ...$this->publishableDispl...
checksum=786c2cc63f74717d This does correctly show the strings marked with `translated=false`:
Note: that query hint will work on personal translations the same way. You can always use a left join like for standard doctrine collections.Usage example (using both annotations and attributes, you should only use one of them):<?php namespace Entity; use Doctrine\Common\Collections\...
[react/text {:style{:typography:header:margin-top16}}"Add a watch-only address"] [react/text {:style{:typography:header:margin-top16}} (i18n/label:t/add-a-watch-account)] [react/text {:style{:colorcolors/gray:text-align:center:margin-vertical16}} ...
This inserted an article and inserted the translations for it in "en_us" locale only if en_us is not the default locale in case if default locale matches current locale - it uses original record value as translationNow lets update our article in different locale:<?php // first load the ...