例子: tragedy of the commons (economics)— 公地悲剧 也可见: tragedy 名 — 灾难 名 tragedy — 惨剧 · 惨案 Commons 复 — 议院 复 · 下议院 复 commons — 共用 查看更多用例 • 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 ▾外部资源(未审查的) The danger created by excessive patenting in...
9.The traditional economics has drawn the conclusion of “the tragedy of the commons,” but it is unilateral.传统经济学得出的“公地悲剧”的结论是片面的。 10.A Study of the Reform of the Property Rights System in Public Universities Based on the Tragedy of the Anti-commons;基于反公地悲剧的...
A social dilemma regarding an individual’s responsibility to others; the tragedy of the commons derives from situations in which one player takes more than his/her share of a resource—the 'commons'—which means that all participants will suffer ...
The tragedy of the commons in a fishery when relative performance matters. Ecological Economics 81: 140-154.Van Long N, McWhinnie SF. The tragedy of the commons in a fishery when relative performance matters. Ecological Economics 2012;81:140-154....
The tragedy of the commons is a concept in economics and ecology that describes a situation where individuals, acting in their own self-interest, collectively deplete a shared resource. In simpler terms, it's the idea that when a resource is available to everyone without restriction, some ...
Evidence has now been amassedthat central regulation has frequently accelerated resource deterioration, complicated by several problems of corruption and inefficiency. In-depthtragedy of the commons : The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics http://www.dictionaryofeconomics.com/article?id=pde2008_T000193...
In conclusion, the tragedy of the commons is a complex and multifaceted problem with implications for environmental sustainability, resource management, economics, ethics, and global governance. Addressing this problem requires a holistic and interdisciplinary approach, taking into account the perspectives ...
Tragedy of the Commons and Evolutionary Games in Social Networks: The Economics of Social PunishmentTragedy of the CommonsCooperationEvolutionary GameSocial NetworkSocial PunishmentThis study revisits the problem of the tragedy of the commons. Extracting agents participate in an evolutionary game in a ...
The academic significance of the "Resource Curse" theory lies in its ability to provide insights into the complex relationship between natural resource abundance and economic development. The theory has made several important contributions to the field of economics, political science, and development stud...
The tragedy of the commons occurs when an economic good isrivalrousin consumption, non-excludable, scarce, and acommon-pool resource. Each consumer consumes as much as they can as fast as they can before others deplete the good, and no one has the incentive to reinvest in maintaining or r...