Under a Creative Commons license open accessAbstract Indian Pangolin (Manis crassicaudata), an endangered mammalian species under IUCN red list. In India, small population of Chines Pangolin (Manis pentadactyla) are also present in the eastern part and protected under the Wildlife (Protection) Act,...
Under a Creative Commons license open accessHighlights Abstract In this article we develop a geopolitical ecology of foreign conservation assistance. While the literature on the political nature of foreign assistance writ large highlights how geopolitical agendas are pursued through foreign assistance, we ...
Aquilariaspecies have been the primary source for agarwood and are distributed eastward from India (Bengal and Assam) to the island of New Guinea and southward from tropical China (Kwantung, Yunnan), to the Lesser Sunda Islands (Hou1960,1964). The resin, is widely used for the production of...
Under a Creative Commons license open accessAbstract Attention focused on pangolins (Pholidota) and the threats posed to their survival and welfare by international trade (for use in Chinese Traditional Medicine and the Asian wild meat market) has skyrocketed across all digital information platforms ...