当我不使用checkpoint,可以运行但是速度比较慢 当我使用checkpoint,并且CHECKPOINT_LEVEL=2时,会有以下错误 ValueError: Unexpected keyword arguments: use_reentrant features, pos = checkpoint(self.backbone, frame, use_reentrant=False) 点进去def checkpoint(fun
所以奇数位是5 偶数位是$$ 6 \times 6 = 3 6 $$ (2) 规律是奇数位前项减2等于后项,偶数位是前项加 3等于后项。 所以奇数位是$$ 1 1 - 2 = 9 $$ 偶数位是$$ 2 5 + 3 = 2 8 $$ (3) $$ \triangle + 2 \times \triangle \times \bigcirc = 1 8 \\ \triangle ...
题目【题目】1. 按规律天数。(★★★)5,10,(15),(20),25,(30)2. 每个图形各代表几?(4 3 及=1$$ \square \times \bigtriangleup = 1 2 $$□$$ \square-8=1 $$3$$ \boxed=(4) $$$ \Delta=(3) $$) 4 )特约编辑:张勇成责任编辑:颜晗电子信箱:1139623013@qq.com本版插图:言一 相关...
COURSE:History 101"Introduction to American History"INSTRUCTOR:Dr,Jane KlammerOFFICE:305Marshall HallOFFICE HOURS:11:15~12:30M W F(Monday Wednesday Friday)CLASS:363Marshall Hall 3:35~5:00T Th (Tuesday Thursday)10:10~11:00M W F Other times by appointmentTELEPHONE:...
22 Carnegie Mellon University 24 University of Washington 25 Duke University 27 Nguồn: https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/2025/world-ranking Liên hệ IDP 1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Một trong những top trường Đại học ...