TP-Link HomeCare TM powered by Trend Micro TM provides a kit of features to help you create a personalized, secure network that caters for the whole family. Features include Antivirus, Parental Controls and QoS (quality of service).
TP-Link HomeCareTMNetgear OrbiGoogle Wi-FiEeroLuma 自訂設定檔√√√ 內容過濾√√×另外付費√ 網站封鎖√√√×× 設備封鎖√√×√√ 網路暫停√√√ 時間排程(就寢時間)√另外付費√√√ 時間限制√另外付費××√ 觀察日誌√√××× 使用情況監測...
TP-Link HomeCare TM powered by Trend Micro TM provides a kit of features to help you create a personalized, secure network that caters for the whole family. Features include Antivirus, Parental Controls and QoS (quality of service).
TP-Link HomeCare TM powered by Trend Micro TM provides a kit of features to help you create a personalized, secure network that caters for the whole family. Features include Antivirus, Parental Controls and QoS (quality of service).
TP-Link HomeCare TM powered by Trend Micro TM provides a kit of features to help you create a personalized, secure network that caters for the whole family. Features include Antivirus, Parental Controls and QoS (quality of service).
Homecare TM -對抗病毒:保護您的家庭網路 網路上的威脅日漸增加,更加多元且破壞力強大。CNBC 在 2016 年發佈了一則報告指出高達 3/4 的合法網站藏有惡意軟體風險。然而現在網路上有非常大量的活動,敏感的資訊如銀行帳戶、就醫紀錄和密碼都必須要隨時保持隱密,以及持續增長的智慧家庭設備使用(如IOT智慧產品中的...
本指南將介紹由趨勢科技提供的防毒功能,以及支援家庭照護(HomeCare)的TP-Link路由器,以及如何使用TP-Link Tether App啟用/關閉它們。 惡意內容過濾器: 此功能將阻止趨勢科技資料庫中列出的惡意網站,以確保您可以安全地上網瀏覽。 入侵防禦系統: 保護您的系統和App 免於外部攻擊並消除漏洞。
免費試用期從安裝路由器並連接到網際網路開始計算。 趨勢科技提供的HomeCare™功能過去曾宣布該功能只有三年的免費試用期。 近期部分型號的免費試用期已抵達三年,經過討論我們決定免費提供現有的 HomeCare™ 功能,使用者無需支付額外費用。(現有的 HomeCare™ 主要包括防病毒、家長控制和 Qos)...
TP-Link HomeCareTMprovides a suite of personalized and secure features, including Parental Controls, built-in Antivirus and Quality of Service (QoS).§ Setup is easier than ever with the Deco app there to walk you through every step.
Step 8: Setup of Homecare services is now complete. From the “Basic” tab you can click on “Homecare” to check and configure your Homecare features. Get to know more details of each function and configuration please go toDownload Centerto download the manual of your product....