大小写变形:TOTE 词态变化 复数: totes; 第三人称单数: totes; 过去式: toted; 过去分词: toted; 现在分词: toting; 实用场景例句 全部 手提 携带 We arrived, toting our bags and suitcases. 我们背着提包拎着衣箱到了那里。 牛津词典 gun-toting soldiers 持枪的士兵 牛津词典 The demonstrators fled whe...
英汉 英英 网络释义 tote 显示所有例句 n. 1. [sing] (赛马的)赌金计算系统a system of betting on horses in which the total amount of money that is bet on each race is divided among the people who bet on the winners 2. [c] 大手提袋;大提包a large bag for carrying things with you ...
tote 基本解释 vt. 提, 负, 携带, 加, 合计 n. 负担, 携带 tote 网络释义 vt. 手提;携带;背负;合计 n. 手提;负担;总数;装载;拖 tote 词性变化 现在分词:toting 名词复数形式:totes 过去分词:toted 过去式:toted 第三人称单数:totes 词组短语 ...
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Giully Large Tote Bag $138.00 Eco Gemma Mini Tote $88.00 Betula G Shine Noel Tote 2 Colors $128.00 Helina Tote 3 Colors $128.00 Betula G Shine Noel Tote 2 Colors $128.00 G Wave Large Tote Set 10 Colors $128.00 Tuana Clear Quattro G Large Tote ...
V x NIGO「LV²」Mini Tote LV最近还出了一款竖版的小tote,是 LV x Nigo的联名LV²系列,在6月底上市。把LV两大经典元素——Monogram老花和Damier棋盘格完美地融合在了一起。配了长肩带,既可以手拎也可以肩背,简单的造型,既复古又时髦 波浪的曲线,很像是融化的冰淇淋,有种很生动的美感虽然是款男包...
Welcome to the exclusive realm of Versa-Tote, where luxury transcends the ordinary. With a bespoke collection of over 240 strap and bag combinations, you will never tire of customizing your perfect accessory. Discover a world where every detail is tailor