Toward the end of the poem, she adds: “A smirk creeps onto this poet’s face / Because it’s the worst men that I write best.” Who is the worst man that she delights in writing about through the majority of the album? Perhaps not the one you were guessing, weeks ago. The...
不得不佩服欧美音乐人对于first track定位如此精准并且一以贯之的理解,同样的操作我们在Beyonce那里也能看到,甚至在亚莉安娜那里也是一样。#2 The Tortured Poets Department1989时期熟悉的composing-producing框架,作为一首标杆式的pop被Jack synth化。Lyrically我们可以不用暂时嘲笑她mention those big names时引起的小尴...
Taylor herself is not the only tortured poet to whom the album refers. In fact, the titular track assigns this status to the lover figure, who “left your typewriter at my apartment, straight from the Tortured Poets Department.” Equally, in the ‘Fortnight’ music video, bothTaylor and Aus...
如果她的感情史只是她的商业计划的一部分,那我无法在这种歌曲中与她共情。 而且她怎么好意思以tortured poet的身份出专辑——一个上流中产出生、家庭幸福、事业顺遂的白女如何能代表真正生活在底层被生活折磨的广大poets and singer songwriters?所以她的歌曲立意只能受限于她充满泡泡的世界,她所谓的torture不过是些感情...
她给自己打造了一个 tortured poet 的形象,然而歌词完全不能称得上是一个诗人。这一点在图片里的评论里有提到,这里就不再赘述了。但还是想说同名曲里面的歌词真的尤为莫名其妙。刚刚看了imgonnagetyouback里的歌词--- Whether I’m gonna be your wife or/Gonna smash up your bike, I, Haven't decided ye...
The Tortured Poets Department的专辑名据说是直接来自前男友和友人的群聊名称,尽管我不了解群聊中是否涉及任何与Taylor相关的利益纠纷或可能不当的道德贬损,但我自己是做不到这样直接拿别人的隐私进行创作的,哪怕是“开撕”——这并不关乎“勇气”,而是我从来就不喜欢(尤其利用自身影响力)将私人事务公开庭审化、将...
在专辑Side A的总结曲《Clara Bow》里,Taylor通过比拟Clara Bow、Stevie Nicks和自己,将曾统治时代的女性偶像的悲剧性生命周期托盘而出——她们初露头角时被大众、媒体以延续前一个女星巅峰形象为由吹捧,但当下一个更年轻的替身出现时,她们又不可避免地被埋没。这首歌直接指向的对象“You”很模棱两可。根据歌曲语...