2023年10月4日,美国斯坦福大学和爱思唯尔数据库(Elsevier Data Repository)发布2023全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(Stanford University Top 2 Scientists List)。 该榜单是Elsevier与斯坦福大学John P. A. Ioannidis教授团队合作的项目成果,发布在Elsevier...
斯坦福大学全球前2%..斯坦福大学全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(Top 2% of Scientists on Stanford List)原数据单位归属较为杂乱,一些单列的医学院、医院、重点实验室等机构需要并入各大学处理以下为
Recently, Stanford University and Elsevier Science Direct issued the 6th Edition of the World's Top 2% Scientists 2023, which selects 2% from nearly 7 million scientists worldwide across 174 subfields and 22 fields. Hong Baoliang, Associate Chief Physician of this Center, was included in the L...
Explore Stanford University's list of the World's Top 2% Scientists. Discover leading researchers across 22 fields and 174 sub-fields based on citation metrics and bibliometric indicators.
(BUSINESS WIRE)--i2c Inc., a leading provider of banking and payment solutions, is pleased to announce Dr. Muhammad Shoaib Farooq, i2c’s vice president of learning and development, has been recognized as one of the world's top 2% of scientists by Stanford University in its Stanford-...
World's Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University. The US-based Stanford University has recently released a list that represents the top 2% of the most-cited scientists in various disciplines. The exhaustive list has 159,683 scientists. ... Data for "Updated science-wide author databases of stan...
此次圆桌论坛我们将与5位“全球前2%顶尖科学家”名单入围者们一起共话“可持续发展”。5月17日,我们在图书馆等你~ World’s Top 2% Scientists According to the 'World's Top 2% Scientists' list published recently by Stanfor...
The World's Top 2% Scientists list was created by researchers fromStanford University. It selected over 100,000 top scientists worldwide based on standardised citation indicators such as information on citations, H-index, co-authorship, and a composite indicator. The datab...
The Editor’s Choice articles are selected from papers published by authors who are featured on Stanford’s Top 2% Scientists list, which recognizes leading scholars in their respective fields based on the citation impact and considers both the past year and their entire careers. For 2024, 29 au...
Scientists at Stanford University have recently published an update of the list of the top 2% most widely cited scientists—the World’s Top 2% Scientists. The range of time the statistical data of this list were drawn from spanned 1960 to 2022, and the data are divided into two lists: "...