‘The Safekeep by Yael Van der Wouden(2024) – In some novels, all of the characters are so nice, so thoughtful, that I can’t empathize or identify with them at all. Fortunately ‘The Safekeep’ does not have that problem at all. Not one of the characters here is too nice, least...
Stanford & Milles,Milk & Money,Chris Davids,Professor Thurgau,Yu Namikoshi,Tom Bruessel,Kingslayer,Zandei,Lindenhoff,Arctrola Sounds,Steven Phillips,Don Calman,Latricia,Deeplike,Chris Spring,Ted Bridge,Gregor Ostheimer,Crossie85,The Endless Friends,Jon Thomas,Chloé Hétier,DJ Tony O,Bostan,Andy...
JD Lasica, Mena Trott, Faruk Ateş, (Happy Cog), Khoi Vinh (subtraction.com), Shawn Henry (w3.org), Tara Hunt (horsepigcow.com), Liz Danzico (Boxes and Arrows), Joel Spolsky (Fog Creek Software), Rufus Griscom (nerve.com), Reuben Steiger (Linden Labs), Lisa Stone (BlogHer). ...
布莱恩·范德林登-2大田05-范德林登·布里亚纳塞特5-粘土(bryan-van-der-linden-2dae05-vanderlinden-bryanasset5-clay) 脉脉不得语- 1年前 0_布莱克什莫尔爵士图书馆, Slawek Fedorczuk公司_01(0_Library of Sir Blackshmole, Slawek Fedorczuk_01) SOLO_34 1年前 1_布莱克什莫尔爵士图书馆, Slawek Fed...
Chris Davids, Professor Thurgau, Yu Namikoshi, Tom Bruessel, Kingslayer, Zandei, Lindenhoff, Arctrola Sounds, Steven Phillips, Don Calman, Latricia, Deeplike, Chris Spring, Ted Bridge, Gregor Ostheimer, Crossie85, The Endless Friends, Jon Thomas, Chloé Hétier, DJ Tony O, Bostan, Andy ...
Stanford & Milles,Milk & Money,Chris Davids,Professor Thurgau,Yu Namikoshi,Tom Bruessel,Kingslayer,Zandei,Lindenhoff,Arctrola Sounds,Steven Phillips,Don Calman,Latricia,Deeplike,Chris Spring,Ted Bridge,Gregor Ostheimer,Crossie85,The Endless Friends,Jon Thomas,Chloé Hétier,DJ Tony O,Bostan,Andy...
Stanford & Milles,Milk & Money,Chris Davids,Professor Thurgau,Yu Namikoshi,Tom Bruessel,Kingslayer,Zandei,Lindenhoff,Arctrola Sounds,Steven Phillips,Don Calman,Latricia,Deeplike,Chris Spring,Ted Bridge,Gregor Ostheimer,Crossie85,The Endless Friends,Jon Thomas,Chloé Hétier,DJ Tony O,Bostan,Andy...
Stanford & Milles,Milk & Money,Chris Davids,Professor Thurgau,Yu Namikoshi,Tom Bruessel,Kingslayer,Zandei,Lindenhoff,Arctrola Sounds,Steven Phillips,Don Calman,Latricia,Deeplike,Chris Spring,Ted Bridge,Gregor Ostheimer,Crossie85,The Endless Friends,Jon Thomas,Chloé Hétier,DJ Tony O,Bostan,Andy...