You can get to Kawaguchiko by train or by bus, which both take around 2-3 hours from Tokyo. Whichever you choose, it’s best to book in advance, as it is a popular destination. On our visit, on a weekday in May, all the morning buses for Kawaguchiko were booked up two days befo...
如果想要在前往下一個目的地之前,利用吃美食、買伴手禮或購物來打發時間的話,一般旅客都會去與眾多商業設施共構的東京車站內的ecute東京、ecute京葉商店街。 有鑑於此,製作了這篇介紹在東京車站用餐、購物,以及在ecute東京與ecute京葉商店街內好吃好買的實況攻略。如果行程中有時間的話,推薦一定要造訪這個車站商城。