爱思唯尔(Elsevier)的title page是一份提供文章基本信息的文件,通常用于学术论文或研究报告。它包含了文章的标题、作者信息、摘要、关键词等基本信息,帮助读者迅速了解文章的内容和作者的背景。同时,爱思唯尔还提供了一套作者信息模板,帮助作者在撰写论文时规范地呈现自己的个人信息。下面将详细介绍爱思唯尔的titlepage以...
篇一:Elsevier期刊投稿模板和投稿经验 General-Template [Title Page] Article Title Authors Author affiliations Correspondence information: Corresponding author name, affiliation, detailed permanent address, email address, telephone number (Check the Guide for authors to see the required information on the tit...
投稿,title,page,模板 篇一:Elsevier 期刊投稿模板和投稿经验 General-Template [Title Page] Article Title Authors Author affiliations Correspondence information: Corresponding author name, affiliation, detailed permanent address, email address, telephone number (Check the Guide for authors to see the required...
TITLE PAGE Manuscript Title Here: My manuscript is submitted for the following meeting (spell out meeting name): Or My manuscript is submitted as an original works: (Do not use abbreviations. If an animal study, state the species. If a Case Report, state “Case Report”. ) Authors: Given...
Checklist for Red Journal Submissions – Scientific Articles Submission Item Description Limits Title Page (with Author Details) Lists all authors with their respective degrees and affiliations; also contains corresponding author contact information and a short running title; must contain disclosure or...
▲论文字数&图表数 这部分内容一般放在标题页最下方。 Title page参考模板 Title page参考模板如下,大家需要根据期刊要求再调整哦: Word版本可在公众号后台回复“标题页”获取哦。 参考资料: [1]https://www.elsevier.com/__data/promis_misc/lrtitlepage.pdf...
3 Title page参考模板 Title page参考模板如下,大家需要根据期刊要求再调整哦: Word版本可以关注公众号在后台回复“标题页”获取哦。 编译/婷婷 参考资料: [1] https://www.elsevier.com/__data/promis_misc/lrtitlepage.pdf 关于埃米编辑 埃米编辑是一家来自美国的致力于为全球科研学者提供发表支持的专业机构,在...
Name of department(s) and institution(s) to which work should be attributed for this author (eg, Kinesiology Department, University of Georgia) (for additional authors, please copy, paste the author information box, then fill in) JMPT/titlepageform/2016...
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An**io上传18.7 KB文件格式docx SCI投稿中用到的Title page, highlights, Cover letter模板,适合IEEE,elsevier等各大期刊。 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:7积分