O'Kane, Caitlin.See Maps of Where the Titanic Sank and How Deep the Wreckage Is amid Search for Missing Sub - CBS News. 20 June 2023, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/map-where-did-the-titanic-sink-wreckage-location-depth-missing-submarine/. "R.M.S Titanic."National Oceanic and Atmospheri...
Was anyone trapped in the Titanic? After the sinking, a storm blew up that was reported to have scattered bobbing corpses in a line 50 miles long. But some Titanic historians argue thatas many as hundreds of people were trapped inside the sinking ship. ... Decomposition slows if bodies get...
How To Survive The Titanic, Or, The Sinking Of J. Bruce Ismay Frances Wilson. (2011). London: Bloomsbury Publishing. Ismay as the owner of the Titanic travelled on its maiden voyage and acquired instant notoriety for jumping onto one of the last...
O'Kane, Caitlin.See Maps of Where the Titanic Sank and How Deep the Wreckage Is amid Search for Missing Sub - CBS News. 20 June 2023, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/map-where-did-the-titanic-sink-wreckage-location-depth-missing-submarine/. "R.M.S Titanic."National Oceanic and Atmospheri...