AIPAC, Day 3: Schumer Wow, but Where Were Trump's People-Tillerson, Mattis, or Kushner? During an interview with Indian Newspaper, Trump said he'd be willing to play a mediating role in addressing the "very, very hot tinderbox" of Kashmir between India and Pakistan."If it was necessary...
新歌新上榜 //@秋几几:wow~看到了听盒乐队@尼娅Renia小宝 抱歉,根据作者设置的微博可见时间范围,此微博已不可见。 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 c +关注 Tinderbox听盒 2014-10-20 22:40 来自iPhone 5s [青春如昙花一现,如果没有摇滚乐,我们也不能遇见]_新歌《Rock!Rock!