I am trying to implement the double pulse test circuit in LTSpice using IPD60N10S4L_12 . However, I 'm getting the error as: Time step too small. (Image attatched below) I have tried many solutions given in this forum, such as changing solver, integration method, AbsTol, ChgToL and ...
I simulate for 100mS but it gets stopped with 'Time step too small' error. I then added an Op-amp buffer to the ILIM pin to monitor output current and I get. I tweaked the solver in LTspice but no luck. Can you please help? Cheers, Ka...
Hello, I'm working on an audio power amplifier. I recreated the schematic from the internet in LTSpice and now I'm getting error: "Analysis: Time step too...
I'm simulating a circuit in LTspice with third party spice models aaded to it. I encountered several errors but got them solved with the help of many forums. The last error message was "Analysis: Time step too small; initial timepoint: trouble with u3:40ua-instance j:u3:12" I tried...
When I run it, an error will emerge, showing "time step too small". I check the circuit many times, and I just cannot find the problem. And it works well in TINA-TI. Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance. The attached are the simulation files used in LTSpice a...