ForkHub - Android平台的GitHub客户端. GitEgo - Android平台的GitHub客户端. Sources - 一个极简的 Github 客户端,Sources。内置几十个语法高亮的主题可供选择. igithub - github 的iOS端. gitmonitor-ios - 一个通知你不用再push代码的iOS app. GithubWidget - 轻量级显示Github用户的贡献、星数、Follower...
ForkHub - Android平台的GitHub客户端. GitEgo - Android平台的GitHub客户端. Sources - 一个极简的 Github 客户端,Sources。内置几十个语法高亮的主题可供选择. igithub - github 的iOS端. gitmonitor-ios - 一个通知你不用再push代码的iOS app. GithubWidget - 轻量级显示Github用户的贡献、星数、Follower...
Since Apple doesn't make Time Capsules anymore, I went and purchased a Seagate 8TB Backup Plus hub. Everything worked fine again, until the AirPort Extreme went kaput in August. Since Apple doesn't make AirPort Extremes anymore, I went a bought a pair of Asus AX6600 routers to make a n...
ERP实施方法介绍 有限公司 ●项目启动 ●现状调研 ●确定计划 ●安装集成 ●教育培训 ●编码讨论及基本数据收集 ●信息化业务流程设计 ●上线前系统客户化 ●基本数据查核修正 ●试运行 ●收集录入期初数据 ●正式运行 ●第一次月结 ●总结优化 ●效益评估 ●规划下阶段计划与目标 项目计划阶段 制度规划阶段 上线...
they can also pretend to be replicas. They can also pretend to be an Azure region. So you can attach billions of endpoints to your table. Some of those endpoints could be Azure regions, some of them could be instances of Azure Stack, or IoT hub, or edge devices. This kind of scalabil...
Apple CEO Tim Cook this evening sat down for an exclusive interview with CNN's Laurie Segall, where he discussed everything from his iPhone usage...
再执行usb_modeswitch -W,就能把MU350切换到modem模式了。 使用usb-modeswitch后,设备不一定是/dev/usb/tts/0或者/dev/ttyUSB0,也有可能是/dev/usb/tts/1或者/dev/ttyUSB1 3G网卡的识别最重要的是/etc/usb-modeswitch.conf的创建,相关网卡的信息需要大家一起研究和收集了。 另外如果华为的卡用usb-modeswitch不...
And it will be built with the simplest plans that modem engineering can produce. It will be so low in price that no man making good money will be unable to own one." The Model T was a car of that kind. It only cost $850. It was a simple machine that drivers could depend on. ...
Features provided by USB technology include: Support for hot-pluggable devices Support for concurrent operation of multiple devices Suitability for different device bandwidths Support for up to five meters length from host to hub or from hub to hub Guaranteed bandwidth and low latencies appropriate ...
ForkHub - Android平台的GitHub客户端. GitEgo - Android平台的GitHub客户端. Sources - 一个极简的 Github 客户端,Sources。内置几十个语法高亮的主题可供选择. igithub - github 的iOS端. gitmonitor-ios - 一个通知你不用再push代码的iOS app. GithubWidget - 轻量级显示Github用户的贡献、星数、Follower数...