Bites from infected ticks are responsible for about a half-million new illnesses each year in the U.S. And those numbers are rising.Lyme diseaseis by far the most common. It accounts for more than 80% of tickborne illnesses nationwide. Other tic...
Blacklegged Tick/Deer tick(上图右下):可传播莱姆病(Lyme Disease)、复发性发热(B. miyamotoi)、埃里希体病(Ehrlichiosis)、边虫病(Anaplasmosis)、巴贝虫病(Babesiosis)、波瓦桑病毒(Powassan Virus)等疾病。 Western Blacklegged Tick:可传播边虫病(Anaplasmosis)和莱姆病(Lyme disease)。 Rocky Mountain Wood T...
Lyme disease is a serious disease caused by the bites from ticks (蜱), a kind of small insects. The disease is one of the fastest-growing infectious (传染的) diseases in the US. Luckily, there are several tips on preventing such illnesses. Thomas Mather, PhD, a professor at the Universi...
You can find ticks in the countryside. Lyme disease can turn into a long-term illness. So it's important to prevent Lyme disease early. (4)___A. Never go outside in summer days.B. You need to cool down quickly at this point.C. If possible, stay indoors or in the cool place.D....
Lyme disease, the most commonly reported vector-borne illness in the U.S., is notoriously difficult to diagnose; yet, more than 30,000 cases of Lyme disease are reported to theCDCeach year. Lyme disease is heavily concentrated in the northeast and upper Midwest regions of the U.S., with...
In most cases, the first symptom of Lyme disease is a rash near the tick bite that may look like a bull’s eye target. The bite is often painless, so you may not even know that you have been bitten. The rash usually appears between 7 to 10 days after the bite, but the range is...
Do ticks and Lyme disease make you wary of going outdoors? Make sure you know how to protect yourself, pets, and your loved ones when you head out on an adventure. The most effective way to prevent Lyme and other tick-borne diseases is to prevent tick bites. ...
Focuses on the theory that preserving biodiversity may be an effective way to fight Lyme disease and other insect-borne afflictions. Work of scientists at the Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, New York; Their conclusion that less biodiversity means more Lyme disease; Plans to expand ...
The best way to prevent Lyme disease is to not get bitten by a tick, or to get it off your body within 24 hours.
Health officials are warning hikers at Will Rogers State Historic Park to be wary of ticks this spring, because researchers have found a group of ticks there that tested positive for the bacterial illness Lyme disease.