牌号:Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0.1Si 材质:工业纯钛 产地:进口 国产 钛含量:99.58% 主要成分:Ti 杂质含量:0.015% 粒度:- 用途:- 钛合金:Ti-5Al-2Zr-2Mo-0.25Si 优势:1)无磁(磁化率3.2×10^(-6))无毒;2)耐热性能好(熔点1668±4℃,沸点3535℃),耐低温性能好(在-196—253℃低温下保持较好的延性和...
宁夏Ti-6AL-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0.1Si钛块硬度 价格:485元/千克更多产品优惠价> 最小采购量:不限 主营产品:磁性材料,硅钢,镍合金,弹簧钢,铝材 供应商:东莞市长安浩亨金属材料行 更多优质供应商> 所在地:中国 广东 东莞 联系人:康喻霖 您的联系方式已覆盖全网,展示在其他同类产品页面 联系商家 点此询价 ...
doi:CNKI:SUN:XJKB.0.2005-04-016李辉无CNKI稀有金属快报李辉. 显微组织对Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0.1Si合金裂纹扩展行为的影响[J]. 稀有金属快报. 2005(04)李辉.显微组织对Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0.1Si合金裂纹扩展行为的影响[J]. 稀有金属快报.2005(04)...
种类 Ti-2.25Al-11Sn-5Zr-1Mo-0.2Si高温钛合金 Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo钛厂 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能随着购买数量不同或所选规格不同而发生变化,如用户与商家线下达成协议,以线下协议的结算价格为准,如用户在爱采购上完成线上购买,则最终...
r–2Mo–0.1Si Alloy Effect of the oxygen diffusion on the mechanical behavior of Ti–6Al–2Sn–4Zr–2Mo–0.1Si AlloyEffect of the oxygen diffusion on the mechanical behavior of Ti–6Al–2Sn–4Zr–2Mo–0.1Si AlloyOxidationTitaniumMechanical Properties...
6Al4V titanium alloy rod $17.50 - $21.50 Min. order: 1 kilogram Ti6Al4V titanium alloy bar price per kg $17.50 - $21.50 Min. order: 1 kilogram Dia 80mm Ti-6al-4v round rod Titanium and titanium alloy forgings $22.00 - $35.00 Min. order: 10 kilograms titanium grade 4 round bar titan...
The initiation phenomenon of a subsurface fatigue crack was examined by monitoring of the acoustic emission (AE) effects revealed by the slightly surface-hardened specimens of titanium-based VT3-1 (Ti–6Al–2Sn–4Zr–2Mo–0.1Si) alloy under fatigue tests. The circ...
This work investigated the effect of nominal boron additions of 0.1 wt.%, 0.4 wt.%, and 1.0 wt.% on the elevated-temperature (455°C) tensile and fatigue behavior of Ti–6Al–2Sn–4Zr–2Mo–0.1Si(wt.%) (Ti–6242S) castings. Boron additions stabilized the orthorhombic TiB phase where...
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