In this work we present PRyMordial: A package dedicated to efficient computations of observables in the Early Universe with the focus on the cosmological era of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN). The code offers fast and precise evaluation of BBN light-element abundances together with the effective...
"integrity": "sha512-ewp3rvJEwLaHgyWGe4wQssC2vjks3E80WiUe2BpMb0KhreTjMROCbxXcEovTrbeGVdQct5VjQfrv9EgC+xMzCw==", "dev": true, "requires": { "@babel/types": "^7.10.1" } }, "@babel/helper-builder-binary-assignment-operator-visitor": { "version": "7.10.1", "resolved"...
He’s eager to experiment with every new thing that he learns, whether it be a structure of a function or a new word, he immediately starts trying to use it.He’s interested in the mistakes he makes, he’s not afraid to make them.He’s not simply interested in having it corrected a...
(3.22) and similarly for the others, and with the usual rescaling by p+ of the gauge condition as above, we have for the quantization of momenta around the σ circle ki,n = ni α p+ , (3.23) –7– so that for the vi's we obtain (ω2 − k12 − µ2)v1,0 − 2i...
The amplification with the type β specific primer gave a 190 bp band in 9 specimens of H. didactylus (data not shown). The sequencing results demonstrate that the 5S rDNA sizes varied from 413 to 424 bp in type α, and from 197 to 207 bp in type β 5S rDNA sequences. In the ...
Genomic sequences of both clusters were inspected looking for theoretical Rho independent transcriptional terminators in the inter-operon regions, but in any of the 4 operons an evident terminator was found. Nevertheless the inter-operon regions in both cases is big enough for not to suspect a ...
Wedge, S.A. Aparicio, S. Behjati, A.V. Biankin, G.R. Bignell, N. Bolli, A. Borg, A.L. Borresen-Dale, S. Boyault, B. Burkhardt, A.P. Butler, C. Caldas, H.R. Davies, C. Desmedt, R. Eils, J.E. Eyfjord, J.A. Foekens, M. Greaves, F. Hosoda, B. Hutter, T....
In our case, the software SimaPrò v.9.5.0 developed by PRé Sustainability have been used to model the investigated systems, since it also integrates with other software and databases (i.e. Ecoinvent v 3.9), allowing to include highly specific data of the studied process into the model (A...
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