Thomas and the Magic Railroad is a 2000 British-American fantasy adventure film based on The Railway Series, the television series Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends and its American spin-off Shining Time Station. It was produced by Gullane Pictures, The B
Due to their respective efforts in the French electronic scene of the late ’90s, Bangalter and Dupieux have been longtime friends; Bangalter previously cameoed (sans his usual Daft Punk mask) in Dupieux’s 2014 film Reality.Bangalter released Mythologies, his first album post-Daft Punk, in ...
Thomas M. Disch, a great American science-fiction writer and critic, killed himself four days ago. My admittedly small relationship with him involved a couple of memorable miscommunications. In late 1980, when I was 20, the Ontario Science Fiction Club (OSFiC), which my friends Carolyn Clink...