Discover the power of a Copilot+ PC with the Lenovo ThinkBook 16 Gen 7 laptop fueled by the robust Qualcomm® Snapdragon® X Plus processor.
需求是:一、普通生产力(文档PDF等)+影音小姐姐(影重要,音可以蓝牙耳机)。二、稳定性高些,年龄大了不想折腾,动手能力弱,不想买了自己来拆机补充。最好6000元内,不玩儿游戏。重量并不是很在意。现在用的宏碁 蜂鸟5 14寸(6年了,刚刚的),所以想入15.6或者16寸的屏幕。然后在狗东上看了几台TB16,其中:配置一... Zoltan The large print: please read theCommunity Participation Rulesbefore posting. Include as much information as possible: model, machine type, operating system, and a descriptive subject li...
可以看到,DML的兼容性最好但效率很差(INT性能甚至打不过FP16),intel和nvidia各自的SDK只能支持自己的硬件但是相比DML的得分会高出很多(尤其是INT类型)。目前AI相关的性能主要跟软件优化相关,其次还有内存/显存带宽瓶颈问题,算力并不是唯一参考因素。 8.整机性能 ...
thinkbook1..win11,开十几个应用程序的窗口,切换窗口居然非常卡顿,用浏览器看 pdf 向下翻页都卡顿。看了一下资源占用,核显 3D 占用居然 100%???不敢想,i5 版本的得卡成什么鬼、
The gorgeous ThinkBook 16p Gen 2 (16" AMD) business laptop features powerful AMD Ryzen™ 5000 H-Series Mobile Processors, optional NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ discrete graphics, a 2.5K display, and more.
ThinkBook 16+屏幕最高2.5K分辨率,120Hz刷新率;3、接口全面:均配备了Thunderbolt 4、全功能USB-C ...
年后上班了,需要看很多PDF文档,于是多方对比后入手了文石的Boox Note2 10寸的墨水屏阅读器。用了三四个月之后,发现各种方面都还不错,就是每次包里总要带很多东西,标配就是上班用的X290 Yoga笔记本、文石boox note2,还有boox的支架。去年就关注过Thinkpad出的Thinkbook,据说A面是墨水屏,觉得这个挺好,能省空间,...
With the integrated camera, the ThinkBook 16 Gen 6 laptop makes video calling a cinch. Rich, clear images on an even bigger screen (given the 16:10 aspect ratio) will make you feel like you’re in the same room as your colleagues. With AI-based noise cancellation and Do...