P134134. Learn Italian with Video - How to Put Feelings into Italian Words 03:21 P135135. Learn Italian Fast Phrases - When do you work 00:41 P136136. Learn Italian with Video - 5 Must-Know Italian Words 1 03:21 P137137. Learn Italian with Video - 5 Must-Know Italian Words 2 03...
a mostly comical blogThe petition
Once you know why you want to leave, talk to your boss about your reasons. You don’t necessarily have to say you’re thinking about quitting to sit down and discuss whether there may be opportunities for remote work,higher compensationor apromotionat your current organization. “Employers ar...
We’re long gone from Alaska now. We left Dutch Harbor -our last port in Alaska- a few weeks ago- May 28 to be exact. This is really the first chance I’ve had to work on my computer since then. When the ship is constantly rolling around so much, it’s really too hard to conc...
We get it: You desperately want to enjoy a babymoon -- one last romantic, kid-free vacation -- before you give birth. And as long as your physician has cleared you for travel, you're free to do so. Just be aware that industry regulations regarding sailing while pregnant are there for...
When they were younger, my kids loved to spend time in one of the hands-on Discovery Centres for children. We think it’s an easy museum to visit on our own. However, if you are looking for anintroductory tour, check Bookme for discountsdepending on the day and time you choose. ...
There are weekends and vacations and sick days and such, but those don’t add up to enoughconcentratedtime to carry off something like a startup without causing work or home to suffer. Of course “work” and “home” are just placeholders for “Big Things.” If you’re unattached, “hom...
Sometimes, the easiest way to get through something that you are nervous or anxious about is to just stop thinking about it so much. Try to think about the things you are good at and have a lot of experience with, like frenchkissingor basketball. Focus on those thoughts when you feel yo...
This companyis the one I trust, it’s one of the most essential things for any trip. It has your back in case you get sick abroad, or have an accident. 🎒Pack smarter, not bulky Check out thisvacation packing list, including all the essentials you need to pack when traveling, from...
Out of the many paths I have hiked around the country, my son and I agree that hiking Pacaya is one of the most memorable. This is hands-down one of the best things to do in Antigua if you’re here in the right season. Relax in the hot springs ...