“They Say I Say” The Moves That Matter in Academic WritinginInTheySa 热度: They Say, I Say The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing 热度: I Heard Him Say This 热度: 相关推荐 They Say I Say_The Art of Quoting.pdf,They Say I Say_The Art of Quoting.pdf,Quoting,They,Say,...
大学写作教材第二版TheySayISay 2nd扫描版完全版 介绍:大学写作教材第二版TheySayISay2nd扫描版完全版 关键词:大学写作教材第二版TheySayISay2nd扫描版完全版 共10个文档 1页(page) jpg大学写作教材第二版TheySayISay2nd扫描版_2扉页 4页(page) pdf大学写作教材第二版TheySayISay2nd扫描版_3目录 29页(page) ...
《他们说,我说写研究模板》——(They Say, I Say TEMPLATES FOR WRITING ABOUT RESEARCH).pdf,They Say, I Say: TEMPLATES FOR WRITING ABOUT RESEARCH They Say, I Say (Graff, Birkenstein, and Durst, 2012) shows students that “writing well means entering a conv
网页 资讯 视频 图片 知道 文库 贴吧 采购 地图 | 百度首页 登录 VIP新客立减2元 意见反馈 下载客户端 11/8/2019 如何轻松的进行分析性写作-- they say I say 读书笔记 - 百度文库 【填问卷赢百度文库VIP】 现邀请您参加 互联 网学 习状 况专项调 研 ,调研采用匿名方式 ,调研结果只用 于科研以 间接 ...
They Say, I Say一书中反复出现的理念是Conversation。 在作者看来,Writing well means entering into conversation with others (p. xvi),良好的写作就是参与和他人的交谈。 具体而言,进行这种交谈只需要2步: Summarizing Others ( “They Say”) Setting up one’s own argument(“I Say”) ...
They Say, I Say的第一章阐述了在文章开篇尽早提及“They Say”的重要性。 第二章会告诉我们如何写“They Say”,也就是如何总结他人观点,标题为Her Point Is: The Art of Summarizing。 一、本章核心思想: 要点1:好的总结需要平衡原作者所说的内容与作者自己的侧重点(balancingwhat the original author is s...
链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1QbotKDbAAUHs_xviZK9YbA 提取码:lyct "They Say / I Say" The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing By:Gerald Graff,Cathy Birkenstein Narrated by:Cyndee Maxwell,Tony Craine Length: 8 hrs and 28 mins
They Say / I Say 作者:Graff, Gerald 出版社:W W Norton & Co Inc 出版年:2007-8 页数:208 定价:150.00元 装帧:HRD ISBN:9780393065459 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介· ··· "The Strunk & White of academic writing."—Richard Bullock, Wright...
"They Say / I Say" identifies the key rhetorical moves in academic writing, showing students how to frame their arguments in the larger context of what others have said and providing templates to help them make those moves. And, because these moves are central across all disciplines, the audi...
They Say I Say” The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing他们说我说“在学术写作中的动作.ppt,“They Say / I Say” The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing Insights and Templates from the book by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein Practice and Basic Mov