Linda: But you were saying yesterday … you write good songs and it can’t be any better way. You don’t want just studio musicians. I mean, that’s how I look at it. You make good music together, whether you like it or not. John:I like it. Linda: And making good music is a...
The ruffled bed skirt trend finds its origin in the ‘80s, when nearly everything was ruffled. The skirt should add a little feminine appeal to a room, making it a perfect choice for young girls or women who don’t care about their husband’s opinions. Getty Images Photo by Dan Forer ...
Cord cutters don't have to resort to broadcast channels and reruns of Castle. The Amazon Fire TV Stick basically turns any TV into a smart TV and keeps apps like Netflix, Hulu, and Prime Video all in one place. He'll have the hang of it in seconds, regardless of whether he's tech...
We’ve got the same problem that causes you to get on your guitar and wail. It’s the same one over and over. I’m wailing with ya. But I don’t say it right there and then, because I suspect we mightn’t be wailing about the same thing. So I won’t quite say it, and I ...
But I don't think of myself as the kid who can't walk. Most of my friends don't even notice the chair anymore. I'm just the girl they've been friends with. My friends are good at lifting me in and out of my small car when we go to the movies. We even...
People won't buy CDs and DVDs anymore. They will download music and movies onto their own computers from the Internet. However, some things will stay the same. For example, people will still go to the theater to watch a play or to see a concert. That won't ch...