【MEME】They don't understand. 314播放 ·0弹幕2018-12-01 15:12:31 未经作者授权,禁止转载 bgm:Joji 大概讲的是人设以前的故事【?】【也没多少剧情】 动画 短片·手书·配音 人设 天使 MEME meme 瑞拉 寂静之蝶 Rella_Unknow发消息 oc狂热者,快乐meme人,qq门牌号3020283714欢迎来烦!(?)...
【meme/兽设/主设】They don’t understand 140 0 2021-03-01 18:11:04 未经作者授权,禁止转载 您当前的浏览器不支持 HTML5 播放器 请更换浏览器再试试哦~17 投币 2 分享 参考貘淇帧数7 我好屑动画 同人·手书 绘画 FLIPACLIP 自设 MEME 兽 兽设 红...
About They Don’t KnowThe I wish I was At Home or They Don’t Know meme is a comic series where the Feel Guy is depicted as uncomfortable at parties or other social situations. The earliest known use of this meme dates back to December 2009 showing Feel Guy standing at a party alone...
which seem to be aimed at more traditional collectors, rather than crypto-enthusiasts. While I don’t think I’d call NFTs “mainstream” in the way that smartphones are mainstream, orStar Warsis mainstream, they do seem to have, at least to some extent, shown some staying power even...