Symbol: TmDate of discovery: 1879Name origin: Thule, ScandinaviaAppearance: silvery whiteDiscoverer: Per Teodor CleveObtained from: monazite Melting point: 1545 KBoiling point: 1950 KDensity[kg/m3]: 9.32Molar volume: 19.1 × 10-6 m3/molProtons/Electrons: 69Neutrons: 100Shell struc...
Thermo Scientific ESCALAB QXi X射线光电子能谱仪 (XPS) 是一个可扩展、优化的多技术平台,具有无与伦比的灵活性和可配置性。直观的软件和硬件驱动的尖端技术,系统控制、数据采集、处理和AvantageTM 报告均通过强大的Thermo ScientificTM数据系统无缝集成。 科研实验应用:广泛应用于科研实验应用领域。如表面科学实验室...
因此,我们不推荐通过小量制备试剂盒来提取慢病毒质粒。我们推荐用户使用S.N.A.P.TM中量制备试剂盒(MidiPrep Kit,货号K191001)或PureLink HiPure质粒中量制备试剂盒(货号K210004)来制备慢病毒载体DNA,这两款试剂盒的重悬缓冲液(...
Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS50 FTIR 傅里叶变换红外光谱仪 在线交易 距您较近 广东晟泽科技有限公司 3年 查看详情 ¥9000.00/台 广东东莞 租售/回收美国Newport MIR8035TM OptoFlash傅里叶红外光谱仪 距您较近 广东省鑫俐源科技有限公司 3年 查看详情 ¥1000.00/个 上海 IoSys - GUT Dr. Timur Seidel ...
TM4SF myeloid, platelets, Tact, B subset cell adhesion, migration, T costimulation CD10 CALLA, NEP, Mme 100kD type II TM B precursors, fibroblasts, BM stromal cells zinc-binding metalloproteinase, neutral endopeptidase ectoenzyme, B development CD11a integrin alphaL, Ly-15, Itgal 80kD IntgF...
ThermoScientific赛默飞世尔9501移液器S1移液管电动移液器,白色 上海希言科学仪器有限公司2年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 上海市松江区 ¥2650.00 9501美国Thermo/赛默S1移液管电动移液器白色 助吸器0.1-100ml 广州翔博生物科技有限公司13年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 ...
Thermo Scientific™ KingFisher ™Pure Plasmid Kit is designed for rapid automated purification of plasmid DNA from cultured bacteria using KingFisher instruments. Plasmid DNA can be purified from 1-5mL of bacterial culture. Pricing & Availability 网站内容 (301) View all 质粒DNA 分离 赛默飞世尔...
Scientific Resources Brochure: Easy choices for RNA and DNA quantification Quant-iT™ Assay Kits for microplate-based assays of DNA, RNA, and protein Application Note: Testing for bias in the Quant-iT RNA assay using single- and double-stranded RNA homopolymers ...
Thermo Scientific 亚细胞蛋白分离试剂盒含有各种试剂,可按步骤在不到 3 小时内将细胞裂解为功能性细胞质、膜、可溶性核、染色质结合和细胞骨架蛋白组分。从每个亚细胞区室获得的提取物通常在各组分间有低于 15% 的污染,该纯度对于大多数研究蛋白定位和再分布的实验而言已足够。用于培养细胞的亚细胞蛋白分离试剂盒含有...
Structure elucidation of inactive-state GPCRs still mostly relies on X-ray crystallography. The major goal of our work was to create a new GPCR tool that would provide receptor stability and additional soluble surface for crystallization. Towards this ai