造句,1.there is no need for ...to2.do not mind3.spend time on4.in order to5.it is not e
there is no need造句 1. There is no need to worry all the time. It's like carrying a heavy backpack everywhere you go. For example, my friend Tom was always fretting about every little thing, whether it was a test or what to wear. But all that worry didn't change anything. In ...
there is no need to do造句there is no need to do造句 1. There is no need to worry. -中文翻译:没有必要担心。 -英语解释:It means that worrying is not required or necessary. -运用情况:当别人对某事过度焦虑,而实际上这件事并没有那么严重时可以使用。就像一个人担心天会塌下来,可实际上这是...
“there is no need to do”可以造句为:“There is no need to worry about the small details.”(没有必要担心那些小细节。)以下是对这个造句的详细解释和更多示例: 造句解释 在上述造句中,“there is no need to do”表达了一个建议或观点,即某个行为或担忧是...
There is no need to rush; we have plenty of time. 这句话的意思是:“没有必要着急,我们还有很多时间。” 在这里,“to rush”是一个动词不定式,表示“去做某件事(在这里是着急)”没有必要。 希望这两个例句能帮助你理解这个句型的用法!如果你还有其他问题,随时问我哦!
◎遣词造句1.我很遗憾听到你在选课问题上与你的父母有-些冲突 。 (宾语从句,conflict)2.我认为没有必要感到不安。 (there is no need to ...)3.像这样的事情通常会发生在青少年身上,包括你在内。 (include)4.冲突在于选择对你有益的东西还是你感兴趣的东西。 (whether ...or ...,宾语从句)5.如果你坚...
there is no needfor造句1.There is no need for you to apologize; it was just a small mistake. 翻译:你不需要道歉,这只是个小错误。 2.There is no need for us to argue about this; we both know the truth. 翻译:我们没有必要为这个争吵,我们都知道真相。 3.There is no need for you to ...
there is no need for to造句: 1、There is no need for you to go there.你没必要去那 2、The earler you go there,the better it will be.你越早点去那越好. 3、There is no need for you to introduce yourself again。你没有必要再次介绍自己。 4、There is no need for parents to do every...
“there is no need to”可以造句为:“There is no need to worry about the future.”(没有必要担心未来。) 以下是对这个造句的详细展开: 一、句意解析 这句话表达了一个明确的观点,即对于未来的担忧是不必要的。它鼓励人们放下对未来的焦虑,以更积极、乐观的态度面...