of spread complexities for each flavor. IceCube Neutrino Observatory, currently operating in the Antarctica has been collecting data on astrophysical neutrinos and has potential to measure their flavor ratios [25], especially after the recent detection of astrophysical tau neutrinos [27]. Our findings ...
The appearance such inflectional regions at the anodic arms of the polarization curves in the presence of the inhibitor molecules at some concentrations and tem- peratures could be as a result of adsorbed inhibitor molecules or intermediate products such as Fe/Inhibitor com- plexes32, which can ...
Published:December 2002 Volume 133, pages 1657–1662, (2002) Cite this article Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Yu. V. Brezhnev 47Accesses Explore all metrics Abstract We construct Dubrovin equations and trace formulas for finite-band operators with trigonal curves and present some examples. ...
Comparison of model calibration between ODE approach (dashed lines) and ABM approach (solid lines) in all five liver-humanized (SCID-MhL) mice. Serum HCV RNA kinetics were depicted using solid black circles. Green curves represent the percentage of uninfected cell (T), yellow curves represent t...
Corresponding to the theoretical and experimental dynamic force curves in the To study the relation between the state of polymer and ultrasonic propagation, ultrasonic bonding experiments controlled by vibration propagation are carried out. The process is as follows: first, a target change rate of the...
Tuning Curves:描述neuron对特定stimulus的平均response 神经元的反应(neuronal responses)一般取决于stimulus的许多不同properties(如颜色,亮度,大小等),而在本章中仅把神经元的反应描述为 f(s),即用一个参数s来代表stimulus的一种attribute,例如s代表颜色(s="red")。
Under the condition that the geo-fluid temperature is 125 °C (Figure 11b), once the mg is greater than 24 kg/s (see the top four curves), there is no significant increase in Wnet with a change in the mm. Instead, when the mm is greater than 24 kg/s, the net power output decr...
Algebraic plane curves; Algebraic surfaces; Integral points; Decidability; Computability; Equation; Genus-1; 72.A sublinear parallel algorithm for stable matching 机译:亚线性并行稳定匹配算法 作者:Feder T.;Plotkin SA.;Megiddo N. 期刊名称:《Theoretical computer science》 | 2000年第2期 关键词: ...
{V=0}versus the bulk concentration. Solid lines represent values calculated from Eq. (12), while the dashed curves represent the approximation|{i}_{V=0}|=|{G}_{{{\rm{Ohmic}}}{V}_{I=0}|. The inset shows the ratio between the calculated values and the approximate values. Diamond ...
are shown in Fig.6. Darker colours indicate fluctuations of the particular temperatures while brighter colours correspond to curves obtained after smoothing process. Smoothing was done using a standard MATLAB (The MathWorks, Inc., USA) moving average filter (built-in function ‘smooth’) with span...