The PMX-000 Messala is a transformable mobile armor introduced in the anime Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. The Messala is the first of five mobile weapons personally produced by the powerful Newtype Paptimus Scirocco on board the transport ship Jupitris. As th
Real World Mechanical Designer Kenki Fujioka See all appearances Appearances* The RX-121 Gundam TR-1 [Hazel Custom] is the upgraded form of the RX-121 Gundam TR-1 [Hazel] from the Universal Century timeline. It was featured in Advance of Zeta: The Flag of Titans. The unit is piloted ...
support the national security forces, conduct joint exercises with the new army, undertake inspections of inventories of weapons and ammunition obtained by the Government in accordance with the exemptions to the United Nations arms embargo for use by the national police, undertake cordon and search op...
weapons of theAfter Warera. Another important weapon are its two strike claws, which are mounted in the Virsago's arms. These claws are mounted on lengthened arms and are powerful enough to crush the head of a mobile suit. Each claw also mounts a beam cannon. Besides these weapons, the ...
Weapons/tools etc Think of a minimum of three days, preferably 7 days. More as circumstances/reason suggest. People often forget basics of “Two gallons of water per adult per day, -minimum”. Each gallon is 8-1/3 pounds. So if you fill that 7 gallon jumbo-jug, can you move it?
“This is obliteration. Maybe world obliteration. And we have a man that is incapable of even discussing it.” Trump pointed to the Ukraine conflict as a major source of danger. Russian President Vladimir Putin “is talking about nuclear weapons,” he said. The Biden administration has ...
I went, ‘Oh shit, I just hired Nick Menza.’ And he said, ‘Well then I can’t come.’ And I went, ‘Ah fuck. Okay, well nice talking to you.’ And later I was thinking, ‘Man, if I would have just hired both of them I would have had the greatest band in the world!’...
We fuel the growth of our finance, tech and agtech clients with weapons grade corporate affairs. Powerful campaigns that cut through industry noise and deliver tangible business results. Find out more Our team are experts at providing 360° marcomms and PR support as a seamlessly integrated part...
The Gouf Custom is one of two Zeon mobile weapons, that had its cockpit modified to be piloted by someone with one arm, the other being the MA-06 Val Walo. The blade of Heat Sword Type D III did not change color or glow when it was used by Norris Packard's Gouf Custom and Zhukov...
Real World Mechanical Designer Kunio Okawara See all appearancesAppearances* Television GBF: #10 - Episode #25The GAT-X105B/ST Star Build Strike Gundam is a Gunpla introduced in Gundam Build Fighters. An upgraded version of the GAT-X105B/FP Build Strike Gundam Full Package, it was built by...