终于等到M大出手。新魔改的巫师3:狂嫖!全面优化游戏体验,解压即玩,同时兼容全DLC(石之心+血与酒)原版和绅士魔改MOD版,自由切换,一键装卸MOD,不装MOD就是原版,一键装上都不用管,它就变成绅士版,一键还能卸载MOD,想玩又一键能装上,完全自由! 新魔改巫师3:狂嫖!绅士版 消除所有错误,绝对不会出现杰洛特没有头,...
语言选择繁体中文,解压至The Witcher 3根目录.
3.下载 复制至 盘符:\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\x64 文件夹下 注:游戏本体必须纯净无添加字体/...
The Witcher 3\DLC\DLC14\content\bundles覆盖!注意使用前先备份好源文件 获取方法:1.凯尔卓护甲师处...
This edition of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has been enhanced with numerous visual and technical improvements, including vastly improved level of detail, faster loading times, a range of community created and newly developed mods for the game, real-time ray tracing, 3D audio support, and more —...
↑在“生死交关”任务中没吻过特莉丝的话此处杰洛特即使说“我爱你”也不能让她回心转意。 ↑或者放弃完成叶奈法的“最后愿望”任务 资料来源 http://witcher.wikia.com/wiki/The_Witcher_3:_Wild_Hunt_-_Guide_to_Romance#Quickies http://www.ign.com/wikis/the-witcher-3-wild-hunt/Sex_and_Romance...
全新的巫师世界:The Witcher 3 Alterverse Mod带来革命性体验 在巫师3的广大宇宙中,The Witcher Alterverse mod犹如一股清流,为玩家带来了三个震撼人心的新任务:Wild Orchad、Cursed Vyzima和The Devil's Pit。每个任务都蕴含独特的挑战,比如新设计的武器——让你在战斗中如虎添翼,以及新类型的...
效能:「巫師 3: 狂獵 (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)」的反鋸齒解決方案雖然屬於後處理,但採用的暫時反鋸齒元件會大幅提高效能負擔,在高解析度時更加明顯。 插入式 SMAA 與 NVIDIA 控制面板 FXAA 是適用於追求低負擔方案的替代反鋸齒技術,雖然不包含暫時反鋸齒功能,仍可在低解析度下處理閃閃發亮的搖曳...
This edition of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has been enhanced with numerous visual and technical improvements, including vastly improved level of detail, faster loading times, a range of community created and newly developed mods for the game, real-time ray tracing, 3D audio support, and more —...
3. 上级文件夹不能有中文,且文件夹不能多 4. 存档位置:C:\Users\用户名\Documents\The Witcher 3 5. 网盘里有GOG和Steam版,Steam版解压即玩,GOG版需预留一定空间安装,选择哪个版本自行斟酌! 中文设置 OPTIONS-LANGUAGE-Text-Chinese(simplified)-ESC ...