It’s a seasonal story with a difference, told from the point of view of dogs in boarding kennels and was inspired by the fact that when our kids were growing up, we had a lovely dog called Tess, a Border Collie cross(see pic just below) and when we occasionally went down to Sydney...
We had seventy-one trick-or-treaters. I know this because I keep track, every year, which helps us estimate how much we may need for the next year’s Halloween stash. It’s fairly easy to do: instead of counting the trick-or-treaters, we count the remaining candy/snacks, as we know...
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, the first film in the big-screen adaption series of The Chronicles of Narnia books, taps into that childhood fantasy of escaping the tragedies of reality to experience the magic of a winter wonderland. In the book and film’s fictional world, the ...
Sometimes, his greedy nature even overtakes him and he occasionally loses control of himself, even going as far as to double-cross his friends. Wario's acts of heroism are usually driven by greed, such as defeating the Black Jewel and Shake King to recover his own valuables and obtain a ...
This is reflected in the line, “A waste of breath the years behind/In balance with this life, this death.” This poem is recited in first-person. The poet is recounting the thoughts that are going through the airman’s mind as his death approaches. This choice of active voice is ...