Multiheme cytochrome c fold family proteins were obtained from the GTDB using two iterations of sequence recruitment and filtering using a bit score ratio [42] for each of the five constituent protein families. The resulting sequence sets were merged and dereplicated, and the resulting 5855 ...
5c–f) shows that the evolution of the ratios of the two fractionation sequences are virtually identical until ~ 90 PCS, which corresponds roughly to the onset of the crystallization of lunar high-Ti and Fe cumulates (“Ilmenite-bearing cumulates”, Snyder et al. 1992). The ...
In comparison, the two SPAdes strategies resulted in totals of 21.5 to 23.0 Mbases. Thus, the Canu strategy gave an assembled contigs size much closer to the predicted genome size of K. humilis MAW1, namely 13.46 Mbases. This genome size is similar to those of other yeast species, e.g...
4). This indicates that the size of the phycobilisomes is identical in both strains and could indeed be confirmed by a proteome and mass spectrometry analysis. Here we showed that the missing linker proteins of the slr1649 knock-out strain were present in the complemented strain (Fig. 2A)...
The function is identical. This is just one out of several such functions in the sample. We can say with reasonable confidence that the threat actors behind the Dozer attack also were involved in the creation of the KorDllbot family or have had access to the source code. ...
Circle size is proportional to the contribution of a given cell. b Increased proportion of exhausted CD8+ T cells/mo-Macs during LUAD progression and metastases. Immune cell proportion was estimated within a non-epithelial compartment. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01, two-sided Student’s t...
is not similar enough toZmSUN5or either of the CCSD-type genes to detect them. From approximately 500,000 plaques, we isolated two identical full-length cDNA clones ofZmSUN4with identical insert sequences. The detection ofZmSUN4but notZmSUN3is consistent with the relative expression levels ...
My day-to-day interaction with the new phone has been almost identical to my experience using the iPhone 14 Pro Max. Yes, the new phone is a tad faster when it comes to launching and switching between apps, for example, but how I use the phone and the services and functions it offers...
Additional File 1: Multiple alignments of published sequences for the primer sites. This is the full set of sequences aligned to show the range of potential compatibility for the primers. This set was greatly reduced to create Figure 2. (PDF 192 KB) Authors’ original submitted files for im...
The relationship of AUC to dose for the two days was essentially identical, as shown in the individual-day regression lines. As such, the data from Days 1 and 15 were combined to provide a single descriptor of AUC versus dose. The coefficient of determination (r2) was 0.7547. Figure 2 ...