A plaque on the back of it reads: "Leonardo DiCaprio / Kate Winslet / 'Titanic' / Twentieth Century Fox / Paramount Pictures, 1997 / Floating panel that he uses to save her life in the sinking sequence of the film, in their roles as 'Jack Dawson' and 'Rose DeWitt Bukater'. Courtesy ...
BV1Cb41157U1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Wj5LdgCsUU 1912年4月14日半夜,泰坦尼克号与一座冰山相撞,造成船中部破裂。次日凌晨2时20分左右,泰坦尼克船体断裂成两截后沉入大西洋底3700米处。2224名船员及乘客中,逾1514人丧生。当年的各个报纸,都用大篇幅报道了这起灾难。而纽约作为泰坦尼克的目的地,更是...
Max Beckmann的作品「Sinking of the Titanic」高清无水印大图免费下载,创作年代:1912,图片尺寸:562x450px,风格:表现主义,体裁:码头港湾,超高清世界名画尽在「麦田艺术」nbfox.com
This same overconfidence explains the electrifying impact Titanic’s sinking had on the public when she was lost. There was widespread disbelief that the ship could not possibly have sunk, and, due to the era’s slow and unreliable means of communication, misinformation abounded. Newspapers initial...
This same overconfidence explains the electrifying impact Titanic’s sinking had on the public when she was lost. There was widespread disbelief that the ship could not possibly have sunk, and, due to the era’s slow and unreliable means of communication, misinformation abounded. Newspapers initial...
Sinking the TitanicJan E. BergerMJ—EditorinChief
The sinking process increased so rapidly, that the ship has sunk down so much that just after 1:10 A.M, the waterline has reached the portholes under the Titanic's nameplate while the water reached the middle part of E Deck. Scotland Road on the port side had no bulkheads or ...
《泰坦尼克号》中著名的沉船场景有着震撼人心的冲击力,而这则得益于导演詹姆斯·卡梅隆在视觉效果呈现方面的精心构造。今天的视频论文将从前期准备、实际拍摄与后期特效等方面详解《泰坦尼克号》中的沉船场景,带你一览这传奇一幕的创作历程。影视 影视杂谈 泰坦尼克号 ...
The boiler room vented through Titanic's immense funnels, one of which was non-functional and included purely for aesthetic reasons.锅炉房通过泰坦尼克号巨大的烟囱通风,其中一个烟囱不起作用,纯粹是为了美观。Many companies paid ocean liners to ship their goods, and Titanic's cargo manifest included ...