The Time Traveler's Wife depicts the effects of time travel on Henry and Clare's passionate love for each other with grace and humour. Their struggle to lead normal lives in the face of a force they can neither prevent nor control is intensely moving and entirely unforgetable. 相遇那年,她...
Because Henry is a time traveller. He suffers from a rare genetic condition that means he can be pulled forwards or backwards through time at any moment, without his control. 克莱尔和亨利相识时克莱尔六岁,亨利三十六岁,结婚时她二十二岁,他三十岁。因为亨利是一个时间旅行者。他患有一种罕见的遗传...
The Time Traveler's Wife的创作者 ··· Audrey Niffenegger 作者 作者简介 ··· 奥德丽·尼芬格(Audrey Niffenegger),视觉艺术家,也是芝加哥哥伦比亚学院书籍与纸艺中心的教授,她负责教导写作、凸版印刷以及精美版书籍的制作。曾在芝加哥印花社画廊展出个人艺术作品。《时间旅行者的妻子》是她的第一本小说。
⊙ 1 ⊙THE TIME TRAVELER’ ’’’S S S S WIFEby Audrey NiffeneggerAUDREY NIFFENEGGER ’ S innovative debut, The Time Traveler ’ s Wife, is the story, ofClare, a beautiful art student, and Henry, an adventuresome librarian, who have knowneach other since Clare was six and Henry was...
TheTimeTraverler'sWife adaptfromthebestsellingnovel Thisisatoughinglovestory.HenryDeTambleisaChicagolibrarianwith"ChronoDisplacement"disorder(时空转换上出现错乱);atrandomtimes,hesuddenlydisappearswithoutwarningandfindshimselfinthepastorfuture,usuallyatatimeorplaceofimportanceinhislife.Fromhispointofview,he...
又 名时空旅人之妻 时光旅的恋人 The Time Travele... 编剧Audrey Nif...布鲁斯·乔伊·罗宾 主 演瑞秋·麦克亚当斯艾瑞克·巴纳Alex FerrisBart BedfordEsther Jun 剧情 一场车祸,母亲丧生,而孩子却奇迹般幸存,他赤裸着身体获救,然而救人者竟然是来自未来的... ...
The Time Traveler's Wife: Directed by Robert Schwentke. With Michelle Nolden, Alex Ferris, Arliss Howard, Eric Bana. Henry DeTamble, a librarian, possesses a unique gene that lets him involuntarily travel through time. His wife, Claire Abshire, finds it
The Time Traveler’s Wife 《时间旅行者的妻子》-Henry1: I can't sing. 我唱不好。-Henry’s mother: That was fine, Henry. 挺好听的,Henry。-Henry1: I can't sing like you. 我唱起歌来不像你。-Henry’s mother: Of course not. Y ou're supposed to sing like you. be supposed to: ...
时间旅行者的妻子 The Time Traveler's Wife 风景怡人的秋天 评论时间旅行者的妻子 2015-05-29 23:41:47 看完片子,没什么感觉。来看豆瓣评论了。看看其他人看完片子有什么感触体会。 看完评论后,大部分讲的有关爱的主题。爱是无时无刻的。克莱尔从小就见过亨利。亨利每周二下午就会穿越时空来到克莱尔的身边。