Parietal Cells Found within the gastric glands Synthesize and release hydrochloric acid (HCl) which alters the pH of the stomach and kills bacteria Intrinsic Factor A digestive hormone produced by the mucosa of the stomach that is essential for the absorption of vitamin B ...
Few microorganisms in the stomach due toThe Small Intestines contain --Paneth cells, which are- Streptococci, Lactobacilli, and yeasts, particularlyLarge number of bacteria in the large intestine, and very low___ billion bacteria per gram of feces--> ex include - millionsHCl production and very...
b) Stomach upset c) Nausea with diarrhea d) Abdominal distress WheezingCorrect Explanation: The nurse must report any hypersensitivity reactions such as wheezing and pruritus, as these could be a sign of anaphylaxis. Stomach upset is common with oral antibiotics and is not something tha...