Nominate Necesse for the Steam Awards! Hey everyone! Steam Award nominations are now open along with the Autumn sale, and we would love your support by nominating Necesse for the Labor of Love award! Necesse has been my life's focus for years, and now that it's not just me working on ...
We are thrilled to announce that our game has beennominatedfor the prestigiousLabor of Lovecategory in this year'sSteam Awards! 🎉 This nomination means a lot to us, as it celebrates games that have been continuously supported and improved over time. We couldn't have achieved this without ...
有大佬给发下The ..有大佬给发下The Steam Awards - 2017升徽章需要的等级和样式嘛我再升是不是要到200啦 感觉有的徽章特别丑
Update on Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 support June 27, 2024comments (5) Interview with Mya-Mon, Champion of GWENT Masters Season 5 February 22, 2024comments (0) GWENTfinity and the Balance Council January 12, 2024comments (0) The last GWENT World Masters tournament is coming this weekend!
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Valve has announced the winners of the 2024 Steam Awards, voted for by fans during Steam’s Winter Sale event.Black Myth: Wukongtriumphed in the Game of the Year category, as it has in virtually every fan-voted GOTY award in the calendar. ...
The Game A..战神获TGA10次获奖提名,艾尔登法环获TGA7次获奖提名:《战神:诸神黄昏》 10《艾尔登法环》 7《地平线 西之绝境》 7《迷失》 6《瘟疫传说:安魂曲》 5《使命召唤19:现代战争2》 3《Im
IT之家 12 月 1 日消息,V社今日宣布,将在 TGA 游戏大选(The Game Awards)直播期间,每分钟送出一台 512GB 版本的 Steam Deck。 IT之家了解到,该活动仅限美国、加拿大、英国或者欧盟的用户参加,原因是这些地区和国家是V社直接销售 Steam Deck 的地区和国家。此外,用户必须在 2021 年 11 月 14 日至 2022...
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