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Martinez-Marcos A, Ubeda-Banon I, Deng L, Halpern M. Neurogenesis in the vomeronasal epithelium of adult rats: evidence for different mechanisms for growth and neuronal turnover. J Neurobiol 2000; 44:423-435.Martinez-Marcos A, Ubeda-Ban˜o´n I, Deng L, Halpern M. 2000a. ...
Martinez M,Espana F,Royo M,Vera CD,Estelles A,Jimenez-Cruz JF,Medina P,Aznar J.Prostate-specific antigen complexed to alpha(1)-antichymotrypsin in the early detection of prostate cancer.European Urology. 2000España F, Royo M, Vera CD, Estellés A, Jiménez-Cruz JF, et al. ...
5.1% of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) mixed with 2% of chlorhexidine (CHX) forms a brown precipitate that corresponds to para-chloroaniline (PCA), whether PCA is formed after the combination of NaOCl, CHX, and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) by means of electron impact (high resolution and...
Martinez-Marcos A, Ubeda-Ban˜o´n I, Halpern M. 2000b. Cell turnover in the vomeronasal epithelium: evidence for differential migration and maturation of subclasses of vomeronasal neurons in the adult opossum. J Neurobiol 43:50 - 63....
Pancreatic zinc, which is mainly secreted as constituent of metalloenzymes, is stable in duodenal juice and easy to quantify. The aim of this study was to analyze the accuracy of the secretin-caerulein-stimulated pancreatic zinc output as pancreatic function test in comparison with the standard ...
GONZALEZ SANTANDER, R., MARTINEZ CUADRADO, G., RUBIO SAEZ, M., BUJAN VARELA, J. & LARA14A SOLt, A. (1984). Ultrastructural basis of the coordination of ciliary movement. Contractile function of the interconnecting cross-striated roots in ependymal epithelium. Acta anatomica 118, 82-90....
This paper discusses the Spanish contribution to the forming of Social Medicine, as a particular understanding of the relationship between health and society that eventually became a formal discipline, as a variant of Public Health. It focuses on two questions, first the literary tradition linking ...
DTNProbabilistic routingSocial behaviourThis paper proposes the HURRy (HUman Routines used for Routing) protocol, which infers and benefits from the social behaviour of nodes in disruptive networking environments. HURRy incorporates the contact duration to the information retrieved from historical encounters ...
Gilberto Íntildeiguez-CovarrubiasRodrigo Gómez-RizoWalter Ramírez-MedaJosé de Jesús Bernal-Casillas化学工程与科学期刊(英文)