Yet the guilty rich are growing in number – or at least, more are speaking out. MacKenzie Scott, ex-wife of the world’s second richest man, Jeff Bezos, has given $12bn to non-profits in the past two years. “Like many, I watched the first half of 2020 with a mixture of heartbr...
With the modest employee contribution rates, though, these plans unfortunately will fall short of matching the benefit typically provided by traditional retirement plans, which require substantial contributions from employers. Defined-benefit plans require funding obligations as high as 20 percent of the v...
As of November, more than 500 million doses of nOPV2 had been administered in 23 countries. And a more detailed look at the situation in Pakistan and Afghanistan shows that while cases were up slightly this year, the overall trend is that entire families of wild poliovirus are being eliminat...
That’s more than 25% higher than what the families earn on average in the US. Less than 4.98% of people in Washington are out of work based on the most recent Census data. To be honest, I’m surprised anyone in Washington is out of work. This state is a really safe, clean, ...
Housing accounts for more than a third of many seniors’ spending. Here’s how to save. Maryalene LaPonsieJan. 21, 2025 Unemployment and Social Security Here's what to consider when taking unemployment benefits and Social Security payments at the same time. ...
This pace of wealth accumulation is three times faster than the previous year, intensifying the disparity between the world’s richest and poorest populations. Oxfam warns that the current trajectory could result in the world having at least five trillionaires within a decade. At the same time,...
50 richest countries in the world by GDP per capita Share: List of countries by GDP: overview Every year, the IMF and the World Bank calculate the gross domestic product, or GDP, of all countries in the world. Based on this indicator, a rating of the richest countries is formed. The ...
It’s the most blatant form of Robin-Hood economics ever proposed. The universal health care bill reported by the House yesterday pays for the health insurance of the 20 percent of Americans who need help affording it with a surtax on the richest 1 percent. ...
Looking back, I found being a bottom 50% income earner to be enjoyable, even though I knew what it was like to earn much more. Not only did I pay a reasonable amount of income taxes, but I also gained a newfound sense of freedom. ...
All of this because we won’t tax the richest of the rich, but we still spend trillions on the war economy. We still force poor people to go to war in exchange for an education, and too many either don’t come home or come home so compromised that an education is difficult, at bes...