The Evil Queen (also known as the Wicked Queen, or simply, the Queen) is the main antagonist of Disney's 1937 animated feature film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and the first Disney villain in the Disney animated features canon. Determined to remain the fairest one of all, the Queen...
Mad Hatter: There is a species of monster based on this character, their origin being matangos altered by the Queen of Hearts. They are quite intelligent and love to speak in intellectual ways, but like the rest of Wonderland they are quite mad. Mad Scientist: The Sabbat didn't abandon...
The Queen May 21, 2018 A Quiet Place May 10, 2018 R.I.P.D. Jan 29, 2014 The Raid 2: Berandal Jul 01, 2014 The Raid: Redemption Apr 26, 2012 Raiders of the Lost Ark Feb 26, 2013 A Rainy Day in New York Nov 11, 2020 Ralph Breaks the Internet Feb 19, 2019 Rambo...
No details about Towles's death were made available."He was such a great guy and I am so grateful that we got to work together several times," Zombie wrote on Facebook. "He will be really missed."I just got word that our buddy Tom Towles has died. He was such a great guy and ...
Petra was able to identify the true source of the city's Taken curse: Dûl Incaru, a daughter of the Witch-Queen and the mastermind behind her mother's scheme to access the Distributary using the Awoken secrets found within the City, commanding the curse from Mara's desecrated throne-worl...
Wrongfully accused of killing Queen Valerin, Ballister Boldheart becomes a fugitive and must gather evidence to prove his innocence, win back the trust of his boyfriend, Ambrosius Goldenloin, and unite the kingdom. And, like it or not, he’s going to have the help of the titular monster...
The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson Photo Credit: Public Square Films This documentary investigates the strange death of Marsha P. Johnson, a Black gay rights activist and drag queen. Johnson was one of the prominent figures during the riots at Stonewall in 1969. Supposedly, when she ...
Book Summary: A reluctant young woman who is half-fae becomes the fae Queen of the Night Court. Faced with a bankrupt realm, political intrigue, and assassination attempts, she must handle the challenges of ruling while forming a complex relationship with a handsome assassin. Why You Should...
The office is an ancient one, but after the death of Albert, Prince Consort (1861), who had virtually constituted himself the queen’s private secretary, Queen Victoria and successive sovereigns have come more and more to rely on it. The help and impartial advice of their secretaries is ...
when the diviner interpreted the queen’s auspicious dream of her conception, he told the king that the prince would become a “wheel-turning king” and that his birth would be heralded by great earthquakes as well as the appearance of numinous light. The narrative recounts how celestial being...