disseminated, the influence and the use of information maneuvers of bots within the social communication network. Among others, our results observe that all three types of bots are present across the two countries; bots geotagged to the US are generally concerned with the balloon location while tho...
Saponins from Rhizoma Panacis Majoris (SRPM), the bioactive component in Rhizoma Panacis Majoris, have been used extensively as a remedy for liver injury diseases and achieved good clinical efficacy, but the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. The goal of our present study was to ...
The problem with pronouns21 Pronouns are little elements that take the place of specifically naming certain items in a sentence. They are Voldemort – he who must not be named – and they are as evil in MT as they are in Harry Potter. “This is a famous book. I read it last year. ...
Reducing ambiguity in our writing is about choosing words that are specific to the topic we’re writing about. If our writing uses a lot of generic verbs, pronouns, and non-thematic adjectives, then not only is our content bland, it’s hard to understand. Consider this extreme example of...
Once again, the fine line between attraction and fetishization is clear to participants. The problem is not about attraction to a TGNB person, but when this person is seen only as a sexual object, in a sub-human way. Not really very comfortable with the feeling. I’d rather be cared ...
aIn order to avoid the possibility of ambiguity, economic and trade contract sentences rather than by repeating words instead of pronouns refer to, would rather use multifarious phrase structure with a single word. Repetition in general or used in official text, either as a reinforcement method to...
This paper describes a system that resolves prepositional phrase attachment ambiguity in English sentence processing. This attachment problem is ubiquitous... K Nadh,Christian R. Huyck - School of Computing SciencernMiddlesex UniversityrnLondon, UK;School of Computing SciencernMiddlesex UniversityrnLondon...
Register, genre and referential ambiguity of personal pronouns: A cross-linguistic analysis Barbara De Cock | PRAG 26:3 (2016) pp. 361–378 On the referential ambiguity of personal pronouns and its pragmatic consequences Barbara De Cock & Bettina Kluge | PRAG 26:3 (2016) pp. 351–360 ...
Jane is unhappy about each of these situations. Jane claims to be victim of discrimination because Jane’s co-workers refuse to believe Jane is really a woman and they refuse to act as if Jane were a woman by using Jane’s preferred pronouns or otherwise referring to Jane as being a woma...
When Em addressed the foetus with pronouns like ‘them’ and ‘You’, she dragged a line of dissociation between her maternal body as the subject-bearer and the foetus in her womb as the object-emplaced as if the foetus is another corpus within a corpus. Although, the subject-object ...