Unlike in the excellent DARK KNIGHT, where the Joker was crazy but had a strong guiding philosophy that directly contrasted with Batman’s, in JOKER, the Joker is, well, just mentally ill, beaten down by the world so much he becomes a grandstanding narcissist who murders people he resents....
"Welcome. No one's home! Now scram--and don't come back!" "Tough luck, Mario! Princess Toadstool isn't here..." "Go ahead--just try to grab me by the tail! You'll never be able to swing ME around!" "Grrr! I was a bit careless. This is not what I had planned...but I...
He appears as one of the four main playable characters in New Super Luigi U replacing Mario from the original game; unlike the other characters, he is invincible to enemies and cannot use power-ups (except for Super Stars), which instead become 1-Up Mushrooms at the end of the level. ...
764x1024 正式海报 764x1024 正式海报 + 上传剧照&海报&壁纸 > 全部图片 剧照(0) 海报(3) 正式海报 (3) 壁纸(0) > 去 红火蚁:不可战胜的兵团 的页面 最新回应 ··· 华仔: 海报竟然不用我这张高清图! 2024-09-20 23:42 华仔: 3D效果很不错 2024-08-28 19:46© 2005...
Martin Dempsey and, by all appearances, Mark A. Milley, the current Army chief of staff. Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant is an especially instructive case, because he faced the grimmest temptation to tamper withthe election of 1864during the Civil War. And yet, crucially, Grant chose not to ...
TheGermanarmyinvadedHollandandBelgiumearlythismorning 入侵荷兰和比利时 bylandandfromparachutes (荷兰弃守) (纳粹于法国再次推进) 你问,我们的策略为何? Youask,whatisourpolicy? 那就是从陆、海、空全面开战 Itistowagewarbysea,landandair. 对抗一个在黑暗及可悲的人类罪行中 ...
With stunning urgency and grace, Ocean Vuong writes of people caught between disparate worlds, and asks how we heal and rescue one another without forsaking who we are. The question of how to survive, and how to make of it a kind of joy, powers the most important debut novel of many ...
Some of these new soldiers who came from the north’s urban areas, brought a specific New York-popular game with them to the Union army. Thus, the sport came to into the establishment’s notice. From there, the sport got more fame among the army, and eventually, at the national level...
The years 1940 and 1941 heralded an eruption of new comic-book superheroes. Included among their legion were DC’sthe Flash,Green Lantern,the Atom, Starman,Green Arrow, andAquaman; Fawcett Publications’ Spy Smasher, Bulletman, Ibis the Invincible, and the “World’s Mightiest Mortal,” Capt...
According to John Ricard, auxiliary bishop of Baltimore, "We are teachers. Our message is not partisan, it's moral...people of good will can come to different conclusions [although the bishops should help inform their consciences]" [33]. The bishops are more interested in guiding and educat...