Paprika is a 2006 Japanese animated film co-written and directed by Satoshi Kon, based on Yasutaka Tsutsui's 1993 novel of the same name, about a research psychologist who uses a device that permits therapists to help patients by entering their dreams. Kon and Seishi Minakami wrote ...
Tsukihimeis a manga,anime, and erogevideo game adaptedas a visual novel. In addition, this work was what started the entire Type-Moon universe, which also includes the Fate franchise. The original title was released in 2000, while its remake has been available in Japan since 2021. It has ...
There are few movies that have been stuck in development in such a seemingly hopeless way asThe Crow remake. For years, the project has been a revolving door of directors and actors trying to get this movie going. At one point, F. Javier Gutierrez (Rings) was attached to direct and, t...
Assuming the roles of both Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield, players must navigate through the zombie-infested streets and face off against horrifying adversaries such as the towering and relentless Mr. X. The remake remains faithful to its source material while enhancing the experience with ...
By company size Enterprises Small and medium teams Startups By use case DevSecOps DevOps CI/CD View all use cases By industry Healthcare Financial services Manufacturing Government View all industries View all solutions Resources Topics AI DevOps Security Software Development View all...
It’s a feeling you only get with one script or novel in a hundred. Most of the time there are parts of the material that grab me, a feeling here, a detail there, and urge to get my greedy hands on it and start rewriting. This time it was different. This is a story which is ...
If you're living in Washington, planning to move here, or just love the Pacific Northwest we have five movies you have to watch. That's right, there are five movies we're absolutely in love with that are set right here in Washington state. ...