自处女作短篇小说集《北门畔》(By the North Gate,1963)问世以来,迄今她已出版一百余部作品,包括长篇小说、短篇小说集、诗集、剧本和文学评论等。一九七○年以长篇小说代表作《他们》(Them)获得美国国家图书奖;《漆黑的水》(Black Water,1992)等三部作品获普利策提名;《大瀑布》(The Falls,2004)获二○○五年度...
尽管这种音译的策略并不能算错,但无法传达原文具有的意涵,应该归咎于译者的失察。余国藩将其译为Temple of Law Gate(余国藩版,第1卷,第293页),显示出他对相关佛教知识和历史背景的敏感。 话又说回来,《西游记》涉及的宗教知识太过广泛,尤其是道教的神仙体系,实在是纷纭复杂,别说詹纳尔这样外来的英国和尚,就连博识...
Genre Characteristics and Filming Strategies of Historical Detective Novel : The Secret of Virtuous Women Gate and Detective K Post-modern history touches the basis of truth that historical detective novel accompanies explosive production and consumption. Various possibilities of h... Lee,Jong-ae - 《...
the Shawshank Redemption(肖申克的救赎)批注版.pdf,RITA HAYWORTH AND SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION Theres a guy like me in every state and federal prison in America, I guess— Im the guy who can get it for you. Tailor-made cigare es, a bag of reefer, if youre par