Fig. 7. Chironomid-inferred mean July air temperature (solid line) from core A-KB 15/98 plotted together with sample-specific standard errors of prediction (dashed lines), and reconstruction diagnostic statistics such as nearest modern analogues for the fossil samples in the calibration data set,...
Adjacent boxplots depict H3K27ac enrichment over a 500-bp window from the p53-binding site. ΔN-p63-α co-occupies the majority of MCF10A-specific p53-binding sites Our data point toward differential enhancer accessibility and/or activity as a potential driver of differential p53 binding and ...
MyRTKNet is the successor to the Malaysian Active GPS System (MASS), which was launched in 1999, and later on, most stations became part of the MyRTKNet. Referring to Figure 5, the nearest MyRTKNet stations to the TG (TG) stations are LGKW (Langkawi TG), USMP (Penang TG), PUPK...
Patrut A, Patrut RT, Leong Pock-Tsy J-M, Danthu P, Woodborne S, Rakosy L, Ratiu IA. Investigation of the Architecture and Age of SuperlativeAdansonia grandidierifrom the Andombiry Forest, Madagascar.Forests. 2021; 12(9):1258. ...
Introduction Evolution of cities needs to guarantee the continuity of living activities (internal and external) and to avoid nature's control over populations, mostly from effects of increasing climate change on Earth [1]. This is a main objective for the future of European cities. Decisions ...