为孩子们弹钢琴吸引了丈夫驻足,想起来初次在舞会见到她,被外表的美丽吸引,现在则是被她有爱心的内在所吸引。晚上两个人讨论修女,凯蒂觉得她们很无私、博爱,而丈夫说她们为了传教,给年轻的妈妈钱交换孩子,每个人来英国都有自己的目的。凯蒂并不觉得修女们complicated and gloomy。两个人意识到彼此家教、爱好不同,都...
The Painted Veil: Directed by John Curran. With Catherine An, Bin Li, Bin Wu, Alan David. Dr Walter gets married to the beautiful Kitty but soon finds out that she is cheating on him. Battling his way through problems, he heads to China to fight a dreade
https://movie.douban.com/review/7662821/ 在一片如水墨画般的青山秀水间,缓缓飘来一叶竹筏。竹筏上坐着面容清瘦的英国绅士,身后是他美丽、娇柔的妻子……初看电影《面纱》,优美的景象,和淡淡的色彩,都显得与众不同。 就像电影的名字一样,男女...
The Painted Veil(诺顿主演、黄秋生) ◎幕后制作 【幕后班底】 导演约翰·卡兰是好莱坞导演。他的短片《锈迹斑斑》在世界众多电影节中参加展映,在法国克莱蒙费朗短片节(1997)荣获探索奖,在国际短片节(1997)勇获最佳短片奖。其1998年拍摄的影片《赞美》在多伦多国际影展(2000)等国际影展中荣获大奖。 资深摄影师斯图...
The Painted Veil: Directed by John Curran. With Catherine An, Bin Li, Bin Wu, Alan David. Dr Walter gets married to the beautiful Kitty but soon finds out that she is cheating on him. Battling his way through problems, he heads to China to fight a dreade
The Painted Veil: Directed by Richard Boleslawski. With Greta Garbo, Herbert Marshall, George Brent, Warner Oland. A wife neglected by her husband, a medical researcher in China, falls in love with a dashing diplomatic attaché.
面纱The Painted Veil 别名:爱在遥远的附近(港) / 猜心(台) 导演:约翰·卡兰 演员:爱德华·诺顿 / 娜奥米·沃茨 / 托比·琼斯 / 黛安娜·里格 / 黄秋生 / 列维·施瑞博尔 / 朱丽叶·霍兰德 / 艾伦·戴维 / 露西·弗勒 / 玛姬·斯蒂德 / 佐伊·特尔福德 / 夏雨 / 吕燕 / 冯瓅 / Marie-Laure Descoureau...
The Painted Veil(面纱)Director:LeadingActors:约翰·卡兰(John娜奥米·沃茨(NaomiWatts)|爱德华·诺顿(EdwardCurran)Norton)ThePaintedVeil ThemovietellsastoryaboutapairofyoungBritishcouplecametoChinaruralinthe1920s,inthisbeautifulbutdangerousenvironmenttheyexperiencedtheemotionalwavesthattheyneverimagineandexperienceinthe...
The Painted Veil Norton的06年片子“The Painted Veil”。故事背景设在中国第一次大革命后及抗日战争之前,基本和The English Patient类似:在异国的英国人的恋情和生活。 是我喜欢的作家 Somerset Maugham(毛姆)的作品改编的,感情细节肯定不差. 一对夫妻由互相憎恨到冰释前嫌再到互相爱慕;由互不理解乃至鄙视和践踏...
1、,Director: 约翰卡兰(John Curran),Leading Actors: 娜奥米沃茨(Naomi Watts) | 爱德华诺顿(Edward Norton),The Painted Veil,The movie tells a story about a pair of young British couple came to China rural in the 1920s,in this beautiful but dangerous environment they experienced the emotional wav...