The Moral Reality of War Defensive Force and Just War Theory… 热度: After World War II the United States The Evolution of Moral Education and Inspiration_2462 热度: Moral Explanations of Moral Beliefs 热度: 1 TheMoralEquivalentofWar ByWilliamJames ...
MichaelWalzer,JeffMcMahan,DavidRodin,Andrew Altman,National-defense,Self-defense THEMORALREALITYOFWAR:DEFENSIVEFORCEANDJUSTWARTHEORY by MAJORROBERTE.UNDERWOODIII AThesisSubmittedinPartialFulfillmentoftheRequirementsfortheDegreeof MasterofArts intheCollegeofArtsandSciences GeorgiaStateUniversity 2009 Copyrightby ...
Nevertheless, its significance does not override the reality that deception, like so many other phenomena of war, is subject to limitations imposed by the demands of morality. Those demands include the imperative that military professionals act in good faith even with those who are their adversaries...
阿克曼认为,从国民的情感反应来看,实验室周围被隔离的居民的困境无疑将引起国家中其他人极大的同情,而被拘留的恐怖嫌疑人相反将引起极大反感,但从道德的角度看(the moral point of view)这两个案例是完全相同的——我们面对两组不幸的人,他们被要求承担“认知风险的负担”(the burden of epistemic risk),以避免对...
Will acting on the sentiments causes them to react to fear and moral, and the resultant is courage, or the lack of courage. 在每种情况下,第三元素是前两个之间的合作的所得到的,以及与其下一领域的接触点。因此,作用于intelligence causes的力量使其根据理性和想象力作出反应,其结果是意志或缺乏意志...
The reality of the kind of choices Caiaphas had to make is confirmed by the fact that the "whole nation" --ὅλοντὸ ἔθνος--didperish in the great revolt against the Romans, theJewish Warof 66-73 AD, when the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed and Jews were actually ex...
laws of armed conflict, even against adversaries who reject those norms, reflect its commitment to mitigate the inevitable tragedy of war. In doing so, Israel faces the tragic reality that no war can be fought without cost, and no amount of restraint can eliminate the suffering of armed ...
怎么定义“能”很重要,但这点奥威尔、《经济学人》、威廉·斯特伦克(The Elements of Style 一书的作者,也提倡用主动语态)都没说清楚。 句法并无好坏之分,只有合适与否。是否合适,要看在相应语境下,是减轻还是加重了读者获取信息的负担。主动语态往往更简练,但如果不需要言明施动者,或使之晚些出场,则被动语态...
In reality, after the end of the Cold War, Russia once leaned towards the West, adopting radical reforms for a Western-style economy and even seeking to join NATO. However, the United States, aiming to maintain NATO's existence after the Cold War and ensure its continued control over Europe...
2.realism- the state of being actual or real; "the reality of his situation slowly dawned on him" realness,reality actuality- the state of actually existing objectively; "a hope that progressed from possibility to actuality" fact- an event known to have happened or something known to have ex...