The meaning of THE LORDS is the part of the British Parliament whose members are not elected by voters. How to use the Lords in a sentence.
主聖餐的含義 – 我對約翰•麥加瑟的回答(The Meaning of the Lord's Supper - My Answer to John MacArthur) 2013 - 12 - 24 PM 以馬內利 – 神與我們同在!(Emmanuel - God With Us!) 2013 - 12 - 22 AM 靠聖三一得救 – 一則聖誕道文(Salvation Through The Trinity - A Christmas Sermon)...
“The Lord's Prayer.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 9 Jun. 2024. Copy Citation Share Post the Definition of the Lord's Prayer to Facebook Facebook Share the Definition of the Lord's Praye...
Meaning of the Lord's Prayer he Father-Son relationship within the Trinity reveals our potential relationship with God. Christ, the Son of God, grants us the privilege of calling God Our Father by the grace of adoption (Galatians 4:4-7). As a "son of God," the Christian is called to...
Define Prayer, Lord39;s. Prayer, Lord's synonyms, Prayer, Lord's pronunciation, Prayer, Lord's translation, English dictionary definition of Prayer, Lord's. n. Christianity The prayer taught by Jesus to his disciples. Also called Our Fa
Charles T. Sempers
天主经 (主祷文) The Lord Prayer 天主经 (文言文) 在天我等父者,我等愿尔名见圣。尔国临格。尔旨承行于地,如于天焉。我等望尔,今日予我,我日用粮。尔免我债,如我亦免负我债者。又不我许陷于诱惑。乃救我于凶恶。阿们。 天主经 (白话文)...
The Lords Prayer. With words and versions in many languages. Includes free commentary & sermon aids about the meaning of the prayer.
lord's prayer 主祷文,天主经 the Lord's Prayer 主祷文 grant sb's prayer 满足某人的请求 say one's prayer 祈祷,做祷告 answer sb's prayer 满足某人的请求 at prayer 在做祷告,在祈祷 in prayer 在做祷告,在祈祷 Morning Prayer (英国国教和美国新教圣公会的)晨祷 Book of Common Praye...
the Lord's Prayer RRCthe most important prayer of the Christian religion〔基督教的〕主祷文,天主经 →the Lord’s PrayeratLord's Prayer(1) 时代网英语在线翻译词典收录了323754条英语词汇在线翻译词条,基本涵盖了全部常用英语词汇的中英文双语翻译及用法,是英语学习的有利工具。